97th ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10, 2012)

COS 138-2 - The effects of fire, climate and pCO2 on Cgrass abunadance in equatorial East African grassland communities over the past 25,000 years: An evaluation of the C4-fire hypothesis

Thursday, August 9, 2012: 8:20 AM
E146, Oregon Convention Center
Michael A. Urban, Program in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, David M. Nelson, Appalachian Lab, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Frostburg, MD, Dirk Verschuren, Department of Biology, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium and Feng Sheng Hu, Department of Plant Biology, Department of Geology, and Program in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL

Grass-dominated ecosystems cover one-third of Earth’s land surface, influence key biogeochemical processes, and serve as major food sources. A challenge in studying the response of grasslands to environmental change in paleorecords is that grass pollen generally has low taxonomic specificity, which means that pollen assemblages are uninformative about C3 and C4 grass variations. To overcome this difficulty, we have developed a novel technique for analyzing the stable carbon isotopic composition of individual grass-pollen grains (SPIRAL). Here we utilize SPIRAL to assess how fire and climate affected C4-grass abundance during the late Quaternary in East Africa. Fire enacts a strong influence on the maintenance of modern tropical grasslands where C4-grasses are most abundant and fire has been suggested as a main driver for the Miocene expansion of C4-grasslands. 


Preliminary SPIRAL data from Lake Challa in equatorial East Africa indicate that C4-grass abundance in the Mt. Kilimanjaro area averaged 45 + 25% during the last 25,000 yr BP. Analyses show that charcoal accumulation rates (i.e., fire), had no significant relationship with C4-grass abundance throughout the record. Temperature/pCO2 showed the strongest relationships with C4 abundance with relatively more C4 grass when pCO2 temperatures were lower during the last glaciation generally agreeing with bulk-sediment and leaf-wax d13C records from the lake. However the SPIRAL data is systemically below leaf-wax by ~30-40% during the late Pleistocene while converging during much of the Holocene The disparities are probably a result of differences in the carbon isotope source (i.e., pollen vs. leaf wax) and dispersal area of the substrates for these proxies. Moisture seasonality also appears to be a strong positive control suggesting that C4 grasses favored long seasonal droughts. Strikingly, C4-grass pollen abundance has reached its highest levels (>80%) of the past 25,000 years only within the last millennium while remaining relatively low during much of the Holocene. The modern day rise in C4-grasses cannot be easily attributed to any of the climate proxies despite that we can uniquely control for them.