96th ESA Annual Meeting (August 7 -- 12, 2011)

SYMP 2-5 - Transitions to sustainability:  The role of science in stewardship actions

Monday, August 8, 2011: 3:40 PM
Ballroom C, Austin Convention Center
Pamela Matson, School of Earth Sciences and Woods Institute for Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

Earth is undergoing rapid population growth, urbanization, industrial growth, and consumption of natural resources, with concomitant changes in the global life support systems. How can we meet the needs of the 9 billion people while at the same time sustaining the ecosystems, air, water and climate systems on which we rely for our and future generations’ well-being and survival?  This presentation will discuss some of the critical challenges at the nexus of food, water and global environmental change and the role that ecologists can play in addressing them, and will provide examples of research efforts to do so.


Multi-disciplinary, use-inspired research can both improve scientific understanding and contribute to sustainable management approaches. Meeting this potential requires that scientists understand the knowledge systems in which decisions are made, and work in partnerships with decision makers to develop and implement solutions.