95th ESA Annual Meeting (August 1 -- 6, 2010)

PS 27-27 - Rapid immobilization of inorganic nitrogen in stable soil organic matter of forest ecosystems: Reviving the successional N retention hypothesis

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Exhibit Hall A, David L Lawrence Convention Center
David B. Lewis, Department of Integrative Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL and Jason P. Kaye, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Background/Question/Methods Nitrogen (N) inputs to forests have increased substantially due to human activities, and contrary to expectations N retention is high even where plant N sinks are saturated. This includes old-growth forests, which are expected to have steady-state N pools with a low capacity for new N retention. In many forests, soil organic matter (SOM) is the dominant sink for N inputs and the rapid transfer of inorganic N into SOM has motivated research to identify fast turnover pools that may be sinks for N.  We tested an alternative hypothesis, that high ecosystem N retention results rapid (minutes to months) immobilization of inorganic N in stable SOM (turnover times > 1 yr). We conducted two tests of this hypothesis. First, in the lab, we added 15NH4+, 15NO2, and 15NO3 to live and sterile O-horizon soil from old-growth conifer and hardwood stands of Pennsylvania, and recovered 15N after 15 minutes, 1 day, and 21 days of incubation. Second, we sprayed 15NO415NO3 onto field plots of young (<10 years) and old (100 years) stands of Pennsylvania hardwoods. Organic and mineral soils were collected over time from 25 minutes to 1 year, after which stable and labile pools were separated.
Results/Conclusions In the laboratory experiment, high NO2 retention occurred within 15 minutes via abiotic pathways, while NO3 retention was not observed. Microbial immobilization of NH4+ was observed in conifer soils by 21 days. In the field experiment, total 15N recovery in the O-horizon ranged from ~30% (young forests) to ~60% (old forests). Of this recovered N, ~40% was in the stable pool within 25 minutes, and ~75% was in the stable pool by one year in both young and old forests. These results support the hypothesis that inorganic N immobilization in stable SOM occurs much more rapidly than the pool decomposes, and that N form, plant species composition, and successional status influence these rates. Additionally, because our later-successional forests had larger SOM pools, expressing our results on an aerial basis suggests that forests that are often expected to have steady-state N pools have a greater N retention capacity than young forests with aggrading plant N pools.