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PS 81
- Latebreaking: Community Pattern and Dynamics
Friday, August 7, 2009: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 81-59
Trophic interactions in soil affecting plant production
Jennifer Adams Krumins
Montclair State University
Wim H. Van der Putten
Netherlands Institute of Ecology
PS 81-60
Extinction-colonization dynamics of a spore-feeding beetle community on long-lived bracket fungi Ganoderma in New Zealand
Kohmei Kadowaki
Kyoto University
PS 81-61
Land-use legacies: Quantifying vegetation dynamics for sustainable shrubsteppe management
Julie Ripplinger
Arizona State University
Thomas C. Edwards
Utah State University
PS 81-62
Nitrogen and microbial dynamics associated with banded vegetation in a low elevation Chihuahuan Desert grassland
K. Haralson
Texas Tech University
V. Acosta-Martinez
J. Bennett
National Park Service
John Zak
Texas Tech University
PS 81-63
Evolutionary game theory and invasive species: An example with endangered and invasive thistles,
cirsium pitcheri
c. arvense
Helena Puche
University of Illinois at Chicago
Joel Brown
University of Illinois at Chicago
PS 81-64
Veratrum californicum presence structures Sierra Nevada meadow plant communities
Jim Alford
Sacramento City College
PS 81-65
Effect of canopy phenology on understory plant community structure in a temperate deciduous forest
David J. Hicks
Manchester College
PS 81-66
Predator influences on prey community structure in a long-term experimental rodent-plant system
Sarah R. Mohlman
Utah State University
S. K. Morgan Ernest
Utah State University
PS 81-67
Links between soil and plant community composition patterns in an urban wildland
Liliana Meneses
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Ildiko C. Pechmann
Rutgers University
Frank Gallagher
Rutgers University
Claus Holzapfel
Rutgers University
PS 81-68
Heterogeneity affects the functional composition and diversity of montane benthic macroinvertebrate communities
Matthew D. Faust
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Jeremy A. Carlson
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
William D. Hintz
Southern Illinois University
Todd Wellnitz
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
PS 81-69
Evaluating the role of evolutionary change in the growth of wetland plants over the last century
Christopher M. Esber
University of Notre Dame
Gregory E. Snowden
University of Notre Dame
Jason McLachlan
University of Notre Dame
PS 81-70
Short-term effects of summer rain pulses on desert shrub leaf quality: Potential consequences for grasshoppers and higher trophic levels
Phillip J. Dugger
Western Washington University
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