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PS 24
- Birds
Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 24-30
Vegetation structure and patch size sustain high alpha avian species diversity in mosaic landscape in Taiwan
Da-Li Lin
National Taiwan University
Tzung-Su Ding
National Taiwan University
PS 24-31
Avian diversity and wood thrush habitat quality in small riparian forests of north-central Delaware
Roger J. Masse
Delaware State University
Kevina Vulinec
Delaware State University
PS 24-32
Anthropogenic effects on avian populations in a high elevation fen wetland
Tanya A. Chesney
The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Audrey Hoffa
Metropolitan State College of Denver
Christy A. Carello
Metropolitan State College of Denver
PS 24-33
Constructed ponds as breeding habitat for the horned grebe in the Peace Parkland, Canada
Cynthia A. Paszkowski
University of Alberta
Eva C. Kuczynski
University of Alberta
Beverly A. Gingras
Environment Canada
PS 24-34
Indications of dietary differences among populations of greater prairie-chicken (
Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus
) across Nebraska based on stable isotopes in feathers
Kimberlee L. Sparks
Cornell University
Jed P. Sparks
Cornell University
PS 24-35
Potential for long distance dispersal of ticks and Lyme disease by migratory passerine birds
Holly B. Vuong
Rutgers University/Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Hannah B. Suthers
Featherbed Lane Bird Banding and Research Station
Janet L. Huie
Agave BioSystems
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