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PS 18
- Riparian and Floodplain Habitats
Monday, August 3, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 18-145
Understory response following the removal of Invasive Woody species from a cottonwood riparian Forest depends on overstory type
Julie A. Huddle
University of Nebraska
Tala Awada
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Derrel L. Martin
University of Nebraska
Xinhua H. Zhou
University of Nebraska
PS 18-146
Beavers and Bugs:Â A mammalian herbivore changes arthropod communities on
Populus fremontii
Rachel M. Curmi
Northern Arizona University
Stephen M. Shuster
Northern Arizona University
Thomas G. Whitham
Northern Arizona University
PS 18-147
Assessment of biodiversity in marsh plots in two Connecticut River oxbows
Marjorie M. Holland
University of Mississippi
C. John Burk
Smith College
PS 18-148
Resolving human and ecological water needs in a changing region: Environmental flows in the Verde watershed, Arizona
Andrea F. Hazelton
Arizona State University
Juliet C. Stromberg
Arizona State University
PS 18-149
Environmental conditions influencing the structure and interactions of fish and benthic macroinvertebrate communities in Connecticut streams
Kate E. Miller
Wesleyan University
Barry Chernoff
Wesleyan University
PS 18-150
Defoliation of
Tamarix ramosissima
by the salt cedar leaf beetle (Diorhabda elongata): Impacts on ecophysiology and water use during two consecutive growing seasons
Kelley G. Burtch
University of Utah
Kevin R. Hultine
Desert Botanical Garden
Pamela L. Nagler
U.S. Geological Survey
Philip E. Dennison
University of Utah
James R. Ehleringer
University of Utah
PS 18-151
Quantifying soil and groundwater chemistry in areas invaded by
Tamarix spp.
along the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico
Michelle Ohrtman
South Dakota State University
Anna A. Sher
University of Denver
Kenneth Lair
DBA Lair Restoration Consulting
PS 18-152
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on developing islands within a dynamic river flood plain: An investigation across successional gradients and soil depth
Mary J. Harner
University of Nebraska—Kearney
Nora Opitz
Free University Berlin
Klement Tockner
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universitaet Berlin
PS 18-153
Spatial patterns of wastewater discharge and riparian vegetation response in Arizona
Margaret S. White
Arizona State University
Juliet C. Stromberg
Arizona State University
PS 18-154
Growth and water relations of
Baccharis salicifolia
under different light and water availability
Jessica Schlegel
Whittier College
Cheryl Swift
Whittier College
PS 18-155
Riparian bird habitat association models and management guidelines in Utah
Hillary M. White
H. T. Harvey & Associates Ecological Consultants
John A. Bissonette
USGS Cooperative Research Unit, Utah State University
Frank P. Howe
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
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