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PS 47
- Coastal, Estuarine, and Marine Habitats
Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 47-60
Connecting wetland salinity levels to freshwater inflows
Carla G. Guthrie
Texas Water Development Board
Junji Matsumoto
Texas Water Development Board
Dharhas Pothina
Texas Water Development Board
PS 47-61
The role of intertidal oyster reefs as habitat in estuarine ecosystems
Rachel A. Brewton
Texas A&M- Corpus Christi
Greg W. Stunz
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Isis E Dominguez
Texas A&M- Corpus Christi
Megan M Reese
Texas A&M- Corpus Christi
PS 47-62
Seasonal changes in erodibility of bioturbated sandy-silt sediments from the Tagus Estuary, Portugal
Claudia Soares
IMAR- Institute for Marine Research
Paula Sobral
PS 47-63
Alternative Stable States in the Salt Marsh: A Survey of Upper and Mid-Marsh Salt Pannes
Melinda Hernandez
University of California, Los Angeles
Sarah Bryson
University of California, Los Angeles
Peggy Fong
PS 47-64
Decomposition of standing dead litter is inhibited by solar UV-B in a southern marsh ecosystem
Mark A. Tobler
Loyola University
David A. White
Loyola University
Michele L. Abbene
Yale University
Paul W. Barnes
Loyola University
PS 47-65
Effects of salinity on growth and development of cyanobacteria and their possible role in supplying nitrogen to coastal ecosystems
Paul Cuomo
Virginia Commonwealth University
Robert Fisher
Virginia Commonwealth University
Donald Young
Virginia Commonwealth University
PS 47-66
Species response to changing light and water availability along a gulf coast salt marsh forest gradient
Alexandria Pivovaroff
UC Riverside
PS 47-67
Decadal-scale changes in seagrass coverage on the Mississippi Barrier Islands, northern Gulf of Mexico
Gregory A. Carter
University of Southern Mississippi
Gabriel A. Blossom
The University of Southern Mississippi
G. Alan Criss
The University of Southern Mississippi
Patrick D. Biber
The University of Southern Mississippi
PS 47-68
Erosion rates along arctic coastlines in the Barrow Environmental Observatory, Barrow, Alaska, 2003-2008
Adrian Aguirre
University of Texas at El Paso
Craig E. Tweedie
University of Texas, El Paso
Jerry Brown
International Permafrost Association
Allison Gaylord
Nuna Technologies
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