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PS 22
- Aquatic Ecology
Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 22-1
Distribution and recent history of constructed ponds in an urbanizing landscape
G. Winfield Fairchild
West Chester University
Christopher Robinson
GIS/Database Consultant
Gary W. Coutu
West Chester University
PS 22-2
Phosphorus uptake in a stream draining a watershed underlain with discontinuous permafrost in interior Alaska
Sarah A. Renteria
University of Texas at El Paso
Jeremy B. Jones
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Amanda J. Rinehart
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PS 22-3
Significance of meandering channel morphology on the diversity and abundance of fish assemblages in a lowland river in Japan
Shigeya Nagayama
Public Works Research Institute
Futoshi Nakamura
Hokkaido University
PS 22-4
Temporal variability in insectivorous bat distributions along desert streams
Elizabeth M. Hagen
Arizona State University
John L. Sabo
Arizona State University
PS 22-5
The effects of leaf litter type on the growth and development of gray treefrog tadpoles
Kara E. Cohagen
University of Missouri
Julia E. Earl
University of Tennessee
Raymond D. Semlitsch
University of Missouri
PS 22-6
The state of freshwater ecosystems in Jalisco and Colima, Mexico: A historical fish-based index of biotic integrity analysis
Norman Mercado-Silva
Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
John Lyons
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Pablo Gesundheit
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Constantino MacÃas Garcia
Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México
PS 22-7
Evaluating mucus production behavior in a freshwater snail using a histological stain
Lauren Riseman
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Paul Brunkow
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
PS 22-8
Examining nitrogen processing in urban and forested streams
Brooke A. Hassett
Duke University
Emily Bernhardt
Duke University
Elizabeth B. Sudduth
Duke University
PS 22-9
Water quality in the North Fork of the Sugar Creek Watershed, northeastern Ohio
Keely M. Davidson-Bennett
The Ohio State University
Charles Goebel
The Ohio State University
Deana Hudgins
The Ohio State University
Richard Moore
Minnesota State University, Mankato
PS 22-10
Interaction of landscape-setting and water flow seasonality on stream nitrogen concentration in a subtropical river, China
Quanfa Zhang
Wuhan Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Siyue Li
Wuhan Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
PS 22-11
Use of macroinvertebrates to assess low-level anthropogenic impacts on the Little Luckiamute River, western Oregon, U.S.A
Karen L. Haberman
Western Oregon University
PS 22-12
Effect of pesticides on the outcome of competitive interactions in container communities: Potential indirect effects on invasion success
Banugopan Kesavaraju
Rutgers University
Ali Afify
Rutgers University
Randy Gaugler
Rutgers University
PS 22-13
Effects of shared prey density on intraguild predation: Does experimental venue matter
Patrick W. Crumrine
Rowan University
Amber A. Burgett
Washington University in St. Louis
Melissa L. Rynerson
Iowa State University
Cristina M. Cornell
University of Virginia
Ryan S. Keweshan
Iowa State University
PS 22-14
Elevated estrogenic activity in bile of American eel (
) below wastewater treatment plant effluent
Joseph C. Colosi
DeSales University
Eric M. Chernuta
DeSales University
PS 22-15
Temporal and spatial dynamics in the fish community of marsh-mangrove ecotonal habitats within Everglades National Park, Florida
M. Brett Gallagher
Florida International University
Jennifer S. Rehage
Florida International University
PS 22-16
Comparing leaf hybridization and mixture effects on in-stream leaf decomposition: Does the effect of a hybrid mimic the effect of a mixture?
Walton M. Andrews
The Evergreen State College
Carri J. LeRoy
The Evergreen State College
PS 22-17
How shore orientation, slope and substrate type effect lichen richness and abundance in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
Christopher J. Naus
University Wisconsin Eau Claire
Jasmine R. Wiley
University Wisconsin Eau Claire
Matthew J. Sisco
University Wisconsin Eau Claire
Jamie K. Dins
University Wisconsin Eau Claire
Todd A. Wellnitz
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Evan Weiher
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
PS 22-18
Increased spate frequency and magnitude decreases survivorship of a stream-breeding salamander in urbanized watersheds
Kyle Barrett
Clemson University
Brian S. Helms
Troy University
Craig Guyer
Auburn University
Jon E. Schoonover
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
PS 22-19
Changes in simpson's diversity index in microcosms impacted with monosodium methane arsenate
Peter A. Kish
Moravian Academy
Nelson Daniel Jr.
Advanced Academics, Inc
PS 22-20
Exposure provides refuge from a rootless macrophyte
Rebecca A. Urban
Lebanon Valley College
John E. Titus
Binghamton University
PS 22-21
Land use impacts on stream biogeochemistry of the Cannon River Watershed (MN)
Eli K. Miller
St. Olaf College
Brian J. Kantor
St. Olaf College
Erin H. Cushner
St. Olaf College
Stephanie N. Schmidt
St. Olaf College
John D. Schade
National Science Foundation
PS 22-22
Successional changes in soil and hyporheic nitrogen fertility on an expansive alluvial floodplain: Implications for riparian vegetation
Brook O. Brouwer
The University of Montana
Jeremy K. Caves
The University of Montana
Michael R. Morris
The University of Montana
Mary J. Harner
University of Nebraska—Kearney
Jack A. Stanford
The University of Montana
Bonnie K. Ellis
Flathead Lake Biological Station, The University of Montana
PS 22-23
Where could Chinook spawn? A model to assess potential suitability of streams in the Lower Columbia River basin for spawning Fall Chinook salmon (
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
D. Shallin Busch
NOAA - Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Mindi Sheer
NOAA - Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Kelly Burnett
USDA Forest Service
Paul McElhany
NOAA - Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Tom Cooney
NOAA - Northwest Fisheries Science Center
PS 22-24
Cross-generational effects of amphibian larvae removal: Evidence for an ecological feedback
Joseph R. Mihaljevic
University of Colorado at Boulder
Kevin G. Smith
Washington University in St. Louis
Jonathan M. Chase
Biodiversity Synthesis Laboratory
PS 22-25
Functional and phylogenetic bacterial diversity in Lake Munson, an anthropogenically perturbed freshwater ecosystem
Tamar L. Dickerson
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Henry N. Williams
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
PS 22-26
Response of freshwater microbial community to hydrilla bloom
Rana Athar
Florida A&M University
Henry N Williams
Florida A&M University
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