94th ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 -- 7, 2009)

PS 49 - Ecoinformatics

Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
Dynamic phenotyping of rice root system structure reveals ontogenetic invariance and tradeoffs in belowground allocation strategies
Olga Symonova, Georgia Institute of Technology; Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi, Duke University; Yuriy Mileyko, Georgia Institute of Technology; John Harer, Duke University; Philip Benfey, Duke University; Joshua S. Weitz, Georgia Institute of Technology
Linking landowners to ecosystem service markets using web-based quantification tools
John Lambrinos, Oregon State University; Michael Guzy, Oregon State University
Digital wetlands database development for Southwestern Pennsylvania
Robert S. Whyte, California University of Pennsylvania; Chad M. Kauffman, California University of Pennsylvania; Samuel M. Zehel, California University of Pennsylvania; Thomas Mueller, University of Maryland
DataONE: A virtual data center for biology, ecology, and the environmental sciences
William Michener, University of New Mexico; Suzie Allard, University of Tennessee; Paul Allen, Cornell University; Peter Buneman, University of Edinburgh; Randy Butler, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign; John Cobb, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Robert Cook, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Patricia Cruse, University of California - California Digital Library; Ewa Deelman, University of Southern California; David DeRoure, University of Southampton; Cliff Duke, Ecological Society of America; Mike Frame, U.S. Geological Survey - National Biological Information Infrastructure; Carole Goble, University of Manchester; Stephanie Hampton, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis; Donald Hobern, Atlas of Living Australia; Peter Honeyman, University of Michigan; Jeffery Horsburgh, Utah State University; Viv Hutchison, U.S. Geological Survey; Matt Jones, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis; Steve Kelling, Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Jeremy Kranowitz, The Keystone Center; John Kunze, University of California - California Digital Library; Bertram Ludaescher, University of California - Davis; Maribeth Manoff, University of Tennessee; Ricardo Pereira, Taxonomic Databases Working Group (Campinas, Brazil); Line Pouchard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Robert Sandusky, University of Illinois - Chicago; Ryan Scherle, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center; Mark S. Servilla, University of New Mexico; Kathleen Smith, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center; Carol Tenopir, University of Tennessee; Dave Vieglais, University of Kansas; Von Welch, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign; Jake Weltzin, US Geological Survey; Bruce Wilson, University of Minnesota
Standardized terrestrial ecological classifications and their application to U.S. national mapping
Patrick Comer, NatureServe; Don Faber-Langendoen, NatureServe; Susan C. Gawler, NatureServe; Jon Hak, NatureServe; Shannon E. Menard, NatureServe; Carl W. Nordman, NatureServe; Milo Pyne, NatureServe; Marion S. Reid, NatureServe; Keith A. Schulz, NatureServe; Lesley A. Sneddon, NatureServe
GIS-tool to optimize site selection for establishing an eddy covariance and robotic tram system at the Jornada Experimental Range (JER), NM
Aline Jaimes, University of Texas at El Paso; Ryan P. Cody, University of Texas at El Paso; Jose Herrera, National Science Foundation; Debra Peters, USDA Agricultural Research Service; Craig Tweedie, The University of Texas at El Paso
A new approach to generating research-quality data through citizen science: The USA National Phenology Network Model
Ellen G. Denny, USA National Phenology Network; Abraham Miller-Rushing, National Park Service; Brian P. Haggerty, University of California, Santa Barbara
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