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PS 16
- Mycorrhizae and Ecosystem Function
Monday, August 3, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 16-129
The role of small mammals in the dispersal of truffle-forming fungi in the Interior Cedar Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone of British Columbia
Kate J. Sidlar
University of British Columbia - Okanagan
Daniel M. Durall
University of British Columbia Okanagan
Karl W. Larsen
Thompson Rivers University
PS 16-130
Do source-sink relationships influence nitrogen transfer between conspecific
Pinus ponderosa
saplings in a Northern California woodland?
Meagan Hynes
University of California, Davis
Xinhua He
Michigan Tech University
Robert Zasoski
University of California, Davis
William Horwath
University of California, Davis
PS 16-131
CANCELLED - Responses of plants and their root symbionts to reclaimed wastewater
Katrina Tso
Northern Arizona University
Nancy Johnson
Northern Arizona University
Catherine Propper
Northern Arizona University
PS 16-132
Fungus among us:Â Biotic and abiotic factors influencing the distribution of alpine mycorrhizae
Megan L. Pallo
University of Missouri
Katie M. Becklin
University of Kansas
Candace Galen
University of Missouri-Columbia
PS 16-133
Effects of agricultural tillage on the ability of mycorrhizal fungi to restore soil structure
Chris Picone
Fitchburg State College
PS 16-134
Mycorrhizal inoculation potentials along a stand-replacing fire chronosequence in southwestern ponderosa pine forests
Allan R. Bacon
Duke University
Stephanie R. Jackson
Northern Arizona University
Valerie J. Kurth
University of Minnesota
Stephen C. Hart
University of California, Merced
Nancy Johnson
Northern Arizona University
PS 16-135
Use of mycorrhizal fungi to increase nutrient use efficiency and reduce N and P leaching in nursery conditions
Lea Corkidi
University of California
Donald J. Merhaut
University of California
Edith B. Allen
University of California, Riverside
James Downer
University of California Cooperative Extension
Jeff Bohn
Tree of Life Nursery
Mike Evans
Tree of Life Nursery
PS 16-136
The impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on bacterial and archaeal community composition in decomposing root litter
Erin E. Nuccio
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Angela Hodge
University of York
Mary K. Firestone
University of California, Berkeley
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