94th ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 -- 7, 2009)

PS 35 - Invasion: Species Interactions

Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
The hybrid dilemma in salmonid fishes: Genetic markers used to detect introgressionĂ‚ between rainbow and cutthroat trout
Andew S. Harwood, Washington State University-Vancouver; Ruth B. Phillips, Washington State University-Vancouver
Nitrogen availability enhances relative growth rate differences among annual and perennial grasses growing in competition
Seema Mangla, University of California, Berkeley; Roger L. Sheley, USDA-ARS; Steven R. Radosevich, Oregon State University
The interactions between two invasive herbivores and their influence on eastern hemlock foliar chemistry and subsequent competitive mechanisms
Mailea R. Miller-Pierce, Washington State University; David Orwig, Harvard University; Evan L. Preisser, University of Rhode Island
The effects of an allelopathic invader on the stability of native plant-mycorrhizae mutualisms
Alison N. Hale, University of Pittsburgh; Stephen J. Tonsor, University of Pittsburgh; Susan Kalisz, University of Pittsburgh
Separation of allelopathic and competitive effects of Lonicera maackii on the native forest annual Pilea pumila
Daniel M. Romanek, Wright State University; Don Cipollini, Wright State University
Allelopathic potential of woody non-natives in a young forest community
Nikki L. Pisula, Eastern Illinois University; Scott Meiners, Eastern Illinois University
Pollinator visits to threatened species restored after removal of invasive plant
Carina A. Baskett, Rice University; Jennifer Rudgers, University of New Mexico
Invasional conflict:  Do invasive insect herbivores mediate the effects of enemy release for their invasive plant hosts?
Kerry R. Bohl, University of South Florida; Peter Stiling, University of South Florida
Changes in forest understory associated with Juniperus virginiana encroachment: The importance of leaf litter
Paul Van Els, Oklahoma State University; Rodney E. Will, Oklahoma State University; Karen R. Hickman, Oklahoma State University; Michael W. Palmer, Oklahoma State University
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