94th ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 -- 7, 2009)

PS 28 - Invasion

Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
Invasive aliens, disposable income and the gentle pursuit of happiness: socio-economic correlates of biological invasions
Gyan P. Sharma, Department of Conservasion Ecology; Karen Esler, Center for Invasion Biology, South Africa; James N. Blignaut, University of Pretoria
Using PRSâ„¢-probes to investigate how ecosystems function under invasive plant species and nitrogen dynamics
Elaine J. Qualtiere, Western Ag Innovations; Rebekka Rieder, Western Ag Innovations; Dana Blumenthal, Rangeland Resources Research Unit; Edward Vasquez, USDA-ARS; Roger L. Sheley, USDA-ARS; Tony Svejcar, USDA, Agricultural Research Service; Brady W. Allred, University of Montana; Keirith Snyder, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
An analysis of the seed bank at Joshua Tree National Park in sites invaded by exotic annual grasses
Heather E. Schneider, Univeristy of California, Riverside; Edith B. Allen, University of California, Riverside
Tamarix and ecosystem change: perpetuation of a mythology
Matthew K. Chew, Arizona State University; Juliet C. Stromberg, Arizona State University; Edward P. Glenn, University of Arizona; Pamela L. Nagler, U.S. Geological Survey
Threat to the West: Ovipostion selection and larval development of Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) on fourteen North American opuntioid species
Heather A. Jezorek, University of South Florida; Peter Stiling, University of South Florida; James E. Carpenter, USDA-ARS-Crop Protection & Management Research Unit
Using net mycorrhizal benefits to explain and predict plant invasions
Katie M. Becklin, University of Kansas; Megan L. Pallo, University of Missouri; Candace Galen, University of Missouri-Columbia
Invasibility of Rhamnus cathartica: aboveground and belowground factors influencing native plant decline
Tracy Gartner, Carthage College; Christine Karlovitz, Carthage College; Amanda Petrovic, Carthage College; Amanda Eigner, Carthage College; Samantha Miller, Carthage College
Using resource competition models to predict the ability of biocontrol agents to limit the ecological success of their host plants
Evan Siemann, Rice University; Juli Carrillo, Rice University; Jianqing Ding, Wuhan Botanical Garden
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