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PS 70
- Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, and Connectivity
Thursday, August 6, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 70-127
Regeneration of fragmented Mediterranean Ecosystems: Do interspecific interactions define a vegetation patch-size threshold?
Milena Holmgren
Wageningen University
Juan L. Celis-Diez
Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity
Heleen Woerle
University of Wageningen
Juan J. Armesto
Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity
PS 70-128
Differential road-related impacts on the demography of two lizard populations in Southern New Mexico: Preliminary results
Kevin W. Floyd
The University of Texas at El Paso
Carl S. Lieb
University of Texas at El Paso
PS 70-129
Scaling up population dynamics in streams: the effect of advection on a stabilizing coexistence mechanism
Galen P. Holt
University of Arizona
Peter Chesson
University of Arizona
PS 70-130
Effects of connectivity on disease and gall infection rates of
Solidago odora
Lauren Sullivan
Iowa State University
Lars Brudvig
Michigan State University
PS 70-131
An empirical test of the impact of corridors on patterns of seed rain in fragmented landscapes
Elizabeth Y. Long
University of Missouri
Lars Brudvig
Michigan State University
Ellen I. Damschen
University of Wisconsin-Madison
PS 70-132
The influence of habitat fragmentation and corridors on a keystone disturbance: Fire
Stephanie A. Wagner
University of Illinois
Lars Brudvig
Michigan State University
Ellen I. Damschen
University of Wisconsin-Madison
PS 70-133
The effect of forest fragmentation on seed predation and herbivory: The consequent effects on forest regeneration dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon
Genise Luz
Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project - INPA
Elaine R. Hooper
Yale University
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