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PS 51
- Evolution: Selection and Adaptation
Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 51-102
Potential costs of placentation under fluctuating resource availability: A comparative study with two Poeciliid fishes
Bart J.A. Pollux
University of California Riverside
David N. Reznick
University of California Riverside
PS 51-103
Structural versus functional leaf trait coordination in the adaptive radiation of Hawaiian violets
Lawren Sack
J. Christopher Havran
Campbell University
Christopher D. Nakahashi
University of Hawaii
Athena McKown
Harvey E. Ballard Jr.
Ohio University
PS 51-104
Using Bayesian phylogenetic and comparative approaches to evaluate the evolution of body size in Sigmodontine rodents
Cristián E. Hernández
Universidad de Concepción
Avaria-Llautureo Jorge L.
Universidad de Concepción
Morales-Pallero Bryan
Universidad de Concepción
Canales-Aguirre Cristian B.
Universidad de Concepción
Boric-Bargetto Dusan
Universidad de Concepción
PS 51-105
Effect of resource quality on lifespan in the bean beetle
Callosobruchus maculatus
Katherine Sheehan
Emory University
Matthew Rowe
Emory University
Christopher Beck
Emory University
PS 51-106
Fitness effects of abiotic stress tolerance enhancing transgenes under competitive conditions
Patrick James Bigelow
Michigan State University
Wayne Loescher
Michigan State University
Rebecca Grumet
Michigan State University
PS 51-107
Rapid evolution of rhizobia in response to glyphosate application
Tomomi Suwa
Michigan State University and W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
Jennifer A. Lau
Michigan State University
Jay T. Lennon
Indiana University
PS 51-108
Survival and reproduction of glyphosate-resistant (GR) and –susceptible (GS)
Conyza canadensis
(L.) Cronq. (Asteraceae)
Karla L. Gage
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
David J. Gibson
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Bryan G. Young
Southern Illinois University
PS 51-109
Positive correlation between victim abundance and intensity of exploiter consumption in a tritrophic plant-seed predator-parasitoid interaction
Johnattan Hernández-Cumplido
Facultad de Cielcias Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Juan Fornoni
Instituto de EcologÃa. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
PS 51-110
Agricultural practices alter selection on weeds at the population and community level
Elizabeth H. Schultheis
Michigan State University
Jen A. Lau
Michigan State University
Todd M.P. Robinson
Michigan State University
PS 51-111
Selection on floral traits across variable plant and pollinator communities: A generalist plant and its specialist pollinator
Anne M. Royer
Michigan State University
Jeffrey K. Conner
Michigan State University
PS 51-112
Contractile roots: Their evolutionary linkages and hormonal regulation in agaves and yuccas
Erin Brinton
Occidental College
Shana Goffredi
Occidental College
Gretchen North
Occidental College
PS 51-113
The evolution of novel traits: Adaptation in milkweed floral traits
Raffica J. La Rosa
Michigan State University
Jeffrey K. Conner
Michigan State University
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