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PS 68
- Distributions and Range Limits
Thursday, August 6, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 68-117
Relationship between abundance and range size trends in North American breeding birds
Jessica C. Stanton
Stony Brook University
Matthew Aiello-Lammens
Stony Brook University
H. Resit Akçakaya
Stony Brook University
PS 68-118
Seedling hydraulic traits are linked to species distributions along a tropical rainfall gradient and to carbon gain
Adam B. Roddy
University of California, Berkeley
Liza S. Comita
The Ohio State University
Richard Condit
The field museum
Thomas A. Kursar
University of Utah
PS 68-119
Photosynthetic characteristics of two Gulf Coast
species restricted to soil types
David J. Grisé
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
R. Deborah Overath
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
PS 68-120
High resolution range mapping and fine-scale ecological niche modeling of eastern hemlock (
Tsuga candensis
F. Collin Hobbs
Indiana University
Daniel J. Johnson
Ohio State Univesity
Keith Clay
Indiana University
PS 68-121
Impacts of soil-water status on photosynthesis and cold-hardiness of American Snowbell from northern and southern wetlands
Olivia M. Lenahan
Iowa State University
William R. Graves
Iowa State University
PS 68-122
Modeling the distribution of eastern white pine at the beginning of the 19
century in central province of Quebec (Canada) using land survey records
Eduard Mauri Ortuño
Université Laval
Alison D. Munson
Université Laval
Frédérik Doyon
Université du Québec en Outaouais
PS 68-123
Segregation of Palaemonid shrimp along the Shark River estuary, Everglades National Park
Lauren C. McCarthy
East Carolina University
Jennifer S. Rehage
Florida International University
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