Predicting the cyclic collapse between grassland and juniper woodland Dirac Twidwell, University of Nebraska - Lincoln;
William E. Rogers, Texas A&M University;
Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Oklahoma State University;
Charles Taylor Jr., Texas A&M AgriLIFE Research Center;
Urs P. Kreuter, Texas A&M University
Successional implications of pioneer species removals on Puerto Rican landslides Lawrence R. Walker, University of Nevada Las Vegas;
Frederick H. Landau, University of Nevada Las Vegas;
Eduardo Velazquez, University of Alcala;
Aaron Shiels, USDA, APHIS, National Wildlife Research Center;
Ashley Sparrow, University of Nevada Reno
The effects of fire on the plant community in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland Terri L. Koontz, University of New Mexico;
Douglas I. Moore, University of New Mexico;
Esteban Muldavin, Natural Heritage New Mexico;
Burton Pendleton, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station;
Scott L. Collins, University of New Mexico
Disturbance ecology in the human oral ecosystem Katie M. Shelef, Stanford University;
Peter Loomer, University of California, San Francisco;
Gary Armitage, University of California, San Francisco;
David A. Relman, Stanford School of Medicine
Forest understory response to prescribed burning and cattle grazing Becky Kerns, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center;
Michelle Buonopane, USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station;
Walt G. Thies, Pacific Northwest Research Station