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PS 5
- Climate Change: Communities
Monday, August 3, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 5-46
Woody seedling establishment facilitated by herbaceous species diversity
Alexandra J. Wright
Bard College
Stefan A. Schnitzer
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Peter B. Reich
University of Minnesota
PS 5-47
Drought-induced decline of Scots pine in central Pyrenees is mediated by stand-level predisposing factors
LucÃa Galiano
CREAF-Autonomous University of Barcelona
Jordi MartÃnez-Vilalta
CREAF / Autonomous University of Barcelona
Francisco Lloret
CREAF-Autonomous University of Barcelona
PS 5-48
An experimental test of climate change, interspecific interactions, and population persistence of prairie grasses
Peter Adler
Utah State University
James Leiker
Sternberg Museum of Natural History
Jonathan M. Levine
ETH Zurich
PS 5-49
Plant and community responses to warming and the timing of nitrogen input in subalpine meadows
Zachary M. German
Colorado State University
A.K. Knapp
Colorado State University
PS 5-50
Role of the indigenous forest community in resisting or facilitating range expansions by a forest pest: Southern pine beetles in New Jersey’s Pinelands
Alice M. Shumate
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Paul Broek
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Danielle Odom
Fairleigh Dickinson University
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