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PS 45
- Biogeochemistry: C and N Cycling in Response to Global Change
Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 45-39
Global distribution of gaseous nitrogen losses from the unmanaged terrestrial biosphere: results from a stable nitrogen isotope model
Edith Bai
Instituted of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Benjamin Z. Houlton
University of California, Davis
Yingping Wang
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
PS 45-40
Global change factors interact with fungal endophyte symbiosis to determine tall fescue litter chemistry
Glade B. Brosi
University of Kentucky
Jim A. Nelson
University of Kentucky
Rebecca L. McCulley
University of Kentucky
Aimee T. Classen
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Richard Norby
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PS 45-41
Effects of elevated CO
on soil trace gas (CH
, N
O and NO) fluxes in a scrub oak ecosystem at Kennedy Space Center, FL, USA
Anne E. Hartley
Florida Gulf Coast University
Rosvel Bracho
University of Florida
Daniel Stover
US Department of Energy
PS 45-42
Biodiversity, nitrogen deposition and CO
effects on carbon storage in grassland soils
Joseph Pignatello Reid
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
E. Carol Adair
University of Vermont
Sarah E. Hobbie
University of Minnesota
Peter B. Reich
University of Minnesota
PS 45-43
Importance of gaseous N losses to the nitrogen budget of chaparral ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada, California
Peter M. Homyak
University of California, Santa Barbara
James O. Sickman
UC Riverside
Amy E. Miller
National Park Service
John Melack
University of California, Santa Barbara
Kevin Skeen
University of California, Santa Barbara
PS 45-44
Soil moisture regime and soil type affect the decomposition of graminoid litter grown under three levels of atmospheric CO
Virginia L. Jin
Richard L. Haney
USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Philip A. Fay
USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Wayne H. Polley
USDA, Agricultural Research Service
PS 45-45
The effect of variable snowpack and tree girdling on soil carbon cycling in a subalpine forest
Nicole A. Trahan
University of Wyoming
Stanfield Y. Lee
University of Colorado
David R. Bowling
University of Utah
Russell K. Monson
University of Arizona
PS 45-46
Examining seasonal substrate and moisture limitation to soil respiration using field amendments
Erin M. Berryman
University of Idaho
John D. Marshall
University of Idaho
PS 45-47
Does soil type affect soil nitrogen response to changing CO
Alexia M. Kelley
North Carolina State University
Philip A. Fay
USDA, Agricultural Research Service
H. Wayne Polley
USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Rob Jackson
Stanford and Duke universities
PS 45-48
The role of carbon and nitrogen linkages in grassland recovery from 9 years of drought
Sarah E. Evans
Michigan State University
Ingrid C. Burke
University of Wyoming
William K. Lauenroth
University of Wyoming
Joseph C. von Fischer
Colorado State University
Matthew D. Wallenstein
Colorado State University
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