94th ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 -- 7, 2009)

COS 119 - Global Change Biology

Friday, August 7, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Cinnarron, Albuquerque Convention Center
Gensuo J. Jia
8:00 AM
Global change effects on annual growth and resulting herbivory on a Mojave Desert shrub, Larrea tridentata
Beth A. Newingham, University of Idaho; Cheryl H. Vanier, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Therese N. Charlet, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Stanley D. Smith, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
8:20 AM
CANCELLED - Short and long term impacts of fire suppression on carbon storage in an old-growth Sierran mixed conifer forest
Andrew E. Scholl, Wittenberg University; Alan H. Taylor, The Pennsylvania State University
8:40 AM
Contrasting predictions of experimental and observational studies of the response of plant communities to changing precipitation
Brody S. Sandel, UC Berkeley; Leah J. Goldstein, University of California, Irvine; Nathan Kraft, University of Maryland; Jordan Okie, Arizona State University; Michal Shuldman, UC Berkeley; David Ackerly, University of California; Elsa Cleland, University of California San Diego; Katharine N. Suding, University of California at Berkeley
9:00 AM
Naturally high [CO2] influences submersed macrophyte communities
John E. Titus, Binghamton University; Angela M. Pagano, SUNY Cortland
9:20 AM
The effects of litter consumption by the snail Cepaea nemoralis on plant responses to warming and nitrogen deposition
Eric R. D. Moise, University of Western Ontario; Hugh Henry, University of Western Ontario
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Nutrient availability and enriched CO2 indirectly affect mammalian herbivores via changes in plant chemistry
Christopher Habeck, Kutztown University; Richard L. Lindroth, University of Wisconsin
10:10 AM
Taking the next step with abundance based distribution models to assess climate change
Stephen N. Matthews, The Ohio State University; Louis Iverson, Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service; Anantha Prasad, Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service; Matthew Peters, Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service
10:30 AM
Anthropogenic disturbance promotes transmission of flea-borne diseases
Megan M. Friggens, Rocky Mountain Research Station
10:50 AM
Carbon cycling at in a temperate evergreen forest: a multi-model data-model fusion analysis at Howland, ME
David J.P. Moore, University of Arizona; Andrew D. Richardson, Harvard University; Dan Ricciuto, Oak Ridge National Lab; David, Y. Hollinger, USDA Forest Service