94th ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 -- 7, 2009)

COS 49 - Aquatic Ecology: Lakes and Ponds

Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Aztec, Albuquerque Convention Center
Romi Burks
8:00 AM
Complex effects of agrochemical mixtures on pond ecosystems
John M. Romansic, H. T. Harvey & Associates; Neal T. Halstead, University of South Florida; Thomas R. Raffel, Oakland University; Steve A. Johnson, University of Florida; Taegan McMahon, University of South Florida; Patrick W. Crumrine, Rowan University; Jason R. Rohr, University of South Florida
8:20 AM
The significance of ponds in maintaining biodiversity in an intensively farmed landscape
Margherita Gioria, University College Dublin; John Feehan, University College Dublin
8:40 AM
Stromatolite community analyses and heavy metal bioaccumulation in the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Utah State University; Caleb W. Izdepski, Utah State University
9:00 AM
Organic contaminant studies on freshwater systems: Bridging the gap between toxicology and ecology
Richard A. Erickson, United States Geological Survey; John M. Brausch, Texas Tech University; Kathryn A. Brausch, Texas Tech University; Jennifer M. Cole, Texas Tech University; Adcharee Karnjanapiboonwong, Texas Tech University; Rodica Gelca, Texas Tech University; Stephen B. Cox, Texas Tech University; Céline A. J. Godard-Codding, Texas Tech University; Jonathan D. Maul, Texas Tech University
9:20 AM
Fish biodiversity in Borobila beel of Bangladesh
Shambu R. Das, Laxmi Agro Fisheries Complex (Pvt.) Ltd.; Jayanta K. Saha, Laxmi Agro Fisheries Complex (Pvt.) Ltd.; Mohammad R. Hasan, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Assessment of plankton biodiversity in Borobila beel of Bangladesh
Jayanta K. Saha, Laxmi Agro Fisheries Complex (Pvt.) Ltd.; Mohammad R. Hasan, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
10:10 AM
Microzooplankton grazing on cyanobacteria in Vancouver Lake, WA
Jennifer C. Duerr, Washington State University Vancouver; Gretchen C. Rollwagen-Bollens, Washington State University Vancouver; Stephen M. Bollens, Washington State University Vancouver
10:30 AM
A shift in diatom species regime due to increased phosphorous associated with the thaw of alpine permafrost
Tisza A. Szeremy Bell, INSTAAR - University of Colorado; Diane McKnight, University of Colorado
11:10 AM
Appendage loss leads to larger damselflies, but with a deadly risk
Timothy M. Sesterhenn, University of Kentucky; Philip H. Crowley, University of Kentucky