94th ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 -- 7, 2009)

COS 71 - Fire Management

Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Santa Ana, Albuquerque Convention Center
Kristen M. Kostelnik
1:30 PM
Do mountain pine beetle outbreaks reduce the risk of active crown fires in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem?
Martin Simard, University of Wisconsin- Madison; William H. Romme, Colorado State University; Jake M. Griffin, University of Wisconsin- Madison; Daniel B. Tinker, University of Wyoming; Monica G. Turner, University of Wisconsin- Madison
1:50 PM
A framework for predicting stand-level fire behavior from forest community data in former prairie and savanna
Gabriel I. Yospin, Montana State University; Scott D. Bridgham, University of Oregon; Jane A. Kertis, USDA Forest Service; Bart R. Johnson, University of Oregon
2:10 PM
Bark char patterns in forest fires: A heat transfer analysis of wind effects
Sean T. Michaletz, University of Arizona; Edward A. Johnson, University of Calgary
2:30 PM
Effects of fire intensity on herbaceous plant richness and abundance in midwestern barrens
Sheryl M. Petersen, The Holden Arboretum; Paul B. Drewa, Case Western Reserve University
2:50 PM
Modeled effects of prescribed surface fires on an endangered tree-roostingĂ‚ bat: A biophysical and toxicological approach
Matthew B. Dickinson, US Forest Service; James Norris, Norris Consulting Services; Anthony S. Bova, US Forest Service; Robert L. Kremens, Rochester Institution of Technology
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
What is risked and gained with risk assessment approaches to wildland fire planning? An examination of collaborative fire planning in Australia and the US
Rachel F. Brummel, University of Minnesota; Kristen C. Nelson, University of Minnesota; Pamela Jakes, USDA Forest Service; Daniel Williams, USDA Forest Service
3:40 PM
Response of yellow pine regeneration to burn severity in the southern Appalachian Mountains
Michael A. Jenkins, Purdue University; Robert N. Klein, Great Smoky Mountains National Park; Virginia L. McDaniel, USDA Forest Service
4:00 PM
Suppression of smoke-stimulated seed germination by moist soil conditions
Kimberlyn Williams, California State University, San Bernardino; Jason C. Stevens, Kings Park and Botanic Garden; Shane R. Turner, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions; Rowena L. Long, The University of Western Australia; Kingsley W. Dixon, Kings Park and Botanic Garden
4:20 PM
Landscape-level fuel treatments alter pyrogenic carbon emissions but reduce long-term carbon storage
Stephen R. Mitchell, Duke University; Mark E. Harmon, Oregon State University; Kari E. B. O'Connell, Oregon State University; Frank Schneckenberger, Oregon State University
4:40 PM
The invasive weed Lantana camara increases fire risk in dry rainforest through alteration of fuel loads
Z. Carter Berry, University of New Hampshire; Kristin Wevill, School for Field Studies; Timothy J. Curran, School for Field Studies