Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
Blrm B, Albuquerque Convention Center
Diane McKnight
Monica M. Elser
The LTER network has published three books in the Schoolyard Children’s Book Series, which represents one component of a broad-scale, long-term effort to combine scientific research and science education through the Schoolyard LTER program. The mission statement for the series is: “The mission of the Schoolyard Series is to engage children and their families in learning about the earth's ecosystems, both locally and internationally, through narratives that reflect the dynamic research being conducted at the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Sites.†This session will emphasize three themes which are addressed by the book series in a panel discussion format. These themes are: (1) using narrative in children’s science literature; (2) presenting ecologists in action; and (3) designing children’s literature for site specific outreach goals. The panelists will be scientists, educators, authors, and illustrators involved either in the book series or other children’s science literature activities. This session will be useful to ecologists planning to use science books in their outreach and educational activities and potential authors or illustrators. This session will enhance the value and impact of the Schoolyard Series for the individual LTER sites and to maintain the overall momentum for the Schoolyard Series.