94th ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 -- 7, 2009)

OOS 18 - Sustaining Freshwater Ecosystem Services: Adaptive Ecological and Social Responses to Climatic Changes

Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Galisteo, Albuquerque Convention Center
Alan Covich
Daniel Schindler
T. A. Crowl
Ecologists and social scientists are exploring new ways to deal with the impacts of changing climate and associated extreme events. Floods, droughts, and hurricanes are expected to increase in frequency and intensity and sea level is already rising in many coastal zones. Cumulative effects of these events are already adding severe stressors on sustaining ecosystem services provided by rivers, lakes and wetlands. The provision of clean, disease-free water supplies relies on many natural ecosystem processes and on engineered treatment facilities that are being redesigned and relocated to meet these environmental extremes. Both natural habitats in drainage basins and the built infrastructure have economic values that can be compared in different ways to derive new management concepts needed for dealing with uncertainty about climate. Ecological and related disciplines are generating new perspectives that illustrate regional responses to climatic impacts. Urban and agricultural planners have developed models for adjusting to water shortages and storm flows. Economists and planners are working with ecologists to improve management of water treatment facilities, surface and sub-surface storage reservoirs, hydro-power generation and agricultural irrigation to maintain biodiversity that is essential for sustaining ecosystem services.
1:50 PM
Management and policy implications for managing water resources under climate change
Brian Hurd, College of Agriculture; Julie Coonrod, University of New Mexico
2:10 PM
Sustaining water resources in an arid urban ecosystem: Influence of in-stream processing and wash substrate on water quality
Kathleen A. Lohse, Idaho State University; Erika L. Gallo, The University of Arizona.; Paul D. Brooks, University of Arizona; Jean E. T. McLain, USDA-ARS; Jennifer McIntosh, The University of Arizona; Tom Meixner, University of Arizona
2:30 PM
Sediment and nutrient tradeoffs in restoring Mississippi River Delta: Ecosystem adaptations to climate and land use changes
Robert R. Twilley, Louisiana State University; Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Louisiana State University
2:50 PM
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Climate change adaptation and Australia's freshwater ecosystems
Stuart E. Bunn, Griffith University; Ben D. Cook, Griffith University; Mark J. Kennard, Griffith University
3:40 PM
Response diversity and resilience in freshwater ecosystem responses to climate change
Daniel Schindler, University of Washington; Lauren A Rogers, University of Washington; Jackie L Carter, University of Washington
4:00 PM
4:20 PM
Sustaining river flows for biodiversity in the arid southwestern U.S.: Effects of current and future municipal water use
Marcos D. Robles, The Nature Conservancy; Jeanmarie Haney, The Nature Conservancy; Dan Majka, The Nature Conservancy; Rob Marshall, The Nature Conservancy
4:40 PM
Impacts of management methods and native and exotic propagule availability on restoration outcomes in a formerly invaded freshwater wetland after three years
Christopher A. Gabler, U.S. Geological Survey, National Wetlands Research Center; Evan Siemann, Rice University
See more of: Organized Oral Session