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PS 88
- Latebreaking: Urban Ecology
Friday, August 8, 2008: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 88-155
Analysis and interpretation of the “Heartbeat of the City†using acoustic signatures along an urban-rural gradient
Wooyeong Joo
Michigan State University
Stuart Gage
Michigan State University
Subir Biswas
Michigan State University
PS 88-156
Genetic structure of striped skunk (
Mephitis mephitis
) in an urban landscape
Jason A. Sumners
Texas A&M-Kingsville
Randy W. DeYoung
Texas A&M-Kingsville
Denise M. Ruffino
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services
Scott E. Henke
Texas A&M-Kingsville
PS 88-157
Impact of a systemic insecticide on the community of arthropods associated with elm trees in the urban forest
Adrianna Szczepaniec
Texas A&M University
Michael J. Raupp
University of Maryland
PS 88-158
Extraction of distribution shape of urban vegetation in Tokyo by using high-resolution satellite image and ground surveying
Hideki Hashiba
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University,
PS 88-159
Effects of routine disturbance on forest structure and composition along the edge of an urban forest on a college campus
Amanda S. Powell
Meredith College
Erin S. Lindquist
Meredith College
PS 88-160
Characterization of riparian plant communities along an urban-to-rural gradient in Louisville, KY
Rodney J. White
University of Louisville
Margaret M. Carreiro
University of Louisville
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