93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 70 - Latebreaking: Agriculture and Sustainability

Friday, August 8, 2008: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Mapping recent temporal changes in crop species diversity for the 48 contiguous US states
Greta Gramig, USDA-Agricultural Research Service; Frank Forcella, USDA
Combined application of organic and mineral nutrient sources influence crop productivity: A meta-analysis
Pauline Chivenge-Nhamo, University of California, Davis; Bernard Vanlauwe, TSBF-CIAT; Johan Six, ETH
Comparative air, soil, and water quality impacts of common agro-ecosystems and a restored prairie and implications for agro-biofuels
Sylvie M. Brouder, Purdue University; Guillermo Hernandez-Ramirez, USDA-ARS Soil Tilth Lab; Matthew D. Ruark, University of California-Davis; Ronald F. Turco, Purdue University; Jeffrey J. Volenec, Purdue University
Using undergraduates to create an energy audit for local green business
Michael J. Dexter, New College of Florida; Leo Berman Ferretti, New College of Florida; Nancy Rose Spector, New College of Florida; Margaret Lowman, North Carolina State University
Procedures for estimation of the livestock ecological footprint in US drylands
Robert A. Washington-Allen, University of Tennessee; John E. Mitchell, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Integral plan for solid waste management in the town of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Brenda Castro, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus; Josue Rodriguez, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus; Melissa Melendez, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus; Rafael A. Rios, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus
Design for a sustainable research agroecosystem at the University of Illinois
David A. Kovacic, University of Illinois; Peter McAvoy, University of Illinois; Timothy Marten, University of Illinois; Aaron Petri, University of Illinois; Michael P. Wallace, University of Illinois
Primary tillage sequence and weed seed placement strategies to conserve carabid seed predators and enhance predator efficacy
R. Edward Peachey, Oregon State University; Alysia Greco, Oregon State University; Jessica Green, University of Oregon
See more of: Latebreakers