93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 67 - Climate Change and Carbon II

Wednesday, August 6, 2008: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
104 C, Midwest Airlines Center
1:30 PM
Mycorrhizal mediation of residue decomposition: Impact of elevated CO2 and N inputs
Shuijin Hu, North Carolina State University; Lei Cheng, Zhejiang University; Kent O Burkey, North Carolina State University; Fitzgerald L Booker, North Carolina State University; Thomas W. Rufty, North Carolina State University; Cong Tu, North Carolina State University; H. David Shew, North Carolina State University
1:50 PM
Effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization on nitrate reductase activity in Pinus taeda and Liquidambar styraciflua
Susan M. Natali, Woods Hole Research Center; Manuel Lerdau, University of Virginia
2:10 PM
Increased carbon and nitrogen input from fine roots in a CO2-enriched deciduous forest: Implications for soil carbon storage and nitrogen cycling
Colleen Iversen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Joanne Childs, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Richard J. Norby, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2:30 PM
Drivers of tree mortality in the eastern and central U.S
Michael C. Dietze, University of Illinois; Paul R. Moorcroft, Harvard University
2:50 PM
Increases in tree productivity across the extra-tropical northern hemisphere during the Anthropocene: On the role of tree age and nitrogen deposition
Steven L. Voelker, Southern Oregon University; Frederick C. Meinzer, USDA Forest Service; Barbara Lachenbruch, Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society; Richard P. Guyette, University of Missouri; Rose-Marie Muzika, University of Missouri
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Soil-specific C and N responses to changing atmospheric CO2 concentrations in a mesic grassland ecosystem
Virginia L. Jin, USDA-ARS; Philip A. Fay, USDA, Agricultural Research Service; Wayne H. Polley, USDA, Agricultural Research Service; Rob Jackson, Stanford and Duke universities; Richard A. Gill, Brigham Young University
3:40 PM
Importance of nitrogen-limited plant productivity on the feedbacks between climate and the terrestrial carbon cycle
David W. Kicklighter, Marine Biological Laboratory; Andrei P. Sokolov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Jerry M. Melillo, Marine Biological Laboratory; Benjamin S. Felzer, Lehigh University; Timothy W. Cronin, Marine Biological Laboratory; C. Adam Schlosser, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4:00 PM
Elevated carbon dioxide alters the relative fitness of Taraxacum officinale genotypes
James A. Bunce, US Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service
4:40 PM
Earthworm populations and feeding habits under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide in a sweetgum plantation
Yaniria Sánchez-de León, University of Puerto Rico at Utuado; Miquel González-Meler, University of Illinois at Chicago; David H. Wise, University of Illinois at Chicago; Richard J. Norby, Oak Ridge National Laboratory