Group Name: The Cedarburg Bog is one of the largest, most diverse, and biologically interesting wetlands in southern Wisconsin. Its most unusual feature is the presence of a string or "patterned" bog, a vegetation type that is typically found much further north. We will access the string bog via a boardwalk, and along the way will see cedar-tamarack swamp forest, shrub carr, and swamp hardwoods, as well as a stream, lake, and islands that occur within the bog. There is also a deer exclosure that has been in place for over 30 years. We will return to the UWM Field Station lab for a box lunch. In the afternoon, participants will go canoeing on Mud Lake, a 245-acre shallow lake contained within the Cedarburg Bog. From the canoes, we will see emergent aquatic plant communities, and will have access to the islands in the lake. See the UWM Field Station website ( for more information about the natural areas at the Cedarburg Bog.