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PS 7
- Genetics
Monday, August 4, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 7-95
Population genetics as revealed by microsatellites in
Lampsilis reeviana
in the Spring and South Fork Rivers, Arkansas
Jorge Lassus
Miami University
Emy M. Monroe
Miami University
David J. Berg
Miami University
PS 7-96
The mystery of hybridization between the federally threatened
Lespedeza leptostachya
Englem. and its co-occurring common congener
L. capitata
Michx. (Fabaceae)
Alona Banai
Northwestern University & Chicago Botanic Garden
Pati Vitt
Northwestern University & Chicago Botanic Garden
Jeremie Fant
Chicago Botanic Garden
Kayri Havens
Chicago Botanic Garden
David Taylor
Northwestern University & Chicago Botanic Garden
PS 7-97
Genetic diversity of the amphipod
spp. in Lake Superior
Jill V. Scharold
Erik M. Pilgrim
United States Environmental Protection Agency
John A. Darling
John R. Kelly
PS 7-98
A novel approach to visualize microbial diversity: Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)-based combinatorial spectral imaging
Yuko Hasegawa
Marine Biological Laboratory
Jessica Mark Welch
Marine Biological Laboratory
Alex M. Valm
Marine Biological Laboratory
Christopher Rieken
Marine Biological Laboratory
Rudolf Oldenbourg
Marine Biological Laboratory
Mitchell L. Sogin
Marine Biological Laboratory
Gary G. Borisy
Marine Biological Laboratory
PS 7-99
Phylogeography and systematics of the southern leopard frog (
Rana sphenocephala
Catherine E. Newman
University of Alabama
Leslie J. Rissler
University of Alabama
PS 7-100
Composition and diversity of soil microbial communities following vegetation change from grassland to woodland: An assessment using molecular methods
Ilsa B. Kantola
Texas A&M University
Thomas W. Boutton
Texas A&M University
Terry J. Gentry
Texas A&M University
Emily C. Martin
Texas A&M University
PS 7-101
Spatial genetic structure in two populations of northern red oak (
Quercus rubra
): Implications for seed and pollen movement and demographic processes
Emily Moran
UC Merced
James Clark
Duke University
John Willis
Michigan State University
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