93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 56 - Conservation

Thursday, August 7, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Correlates of extinction risk in birds
Tien Ming Lee, University of California, San Diego; Walter Jetz, Yale University
A Panax-centric view of invasive species
Kerry L. Wixted, West Virginia University; James B. McGraw, West Virginia University
Shrub removal effects on an endangered Texas orchid, Spiranthes parksii
Sarah J. Haller, Archbold Biological Station; William E. Rogers, Texas A&M University
Pollinators and other arthropod visitors to a native plant butterfly garden in southeastern Virginia
Barbara J. Abraham, Hampton University; Julie M. Gillem, Hampton University; Danielle E. Williams, Hampton University; Jaronica M. Byner, Hampton University; Alyson C. Weekes, Hampton University; Tasha N. Counts, Hampton University
Effect of mid-summer haying on early and late flowering prairie plants
Becky Begay, University of Kansas; Helen M. Alexander, University of Kansas; Erin Questad, University of Kansas
Comparison of African savanna elephant sex ratios in southern Kenya
Alyce L. Johnson, University of Missouri; Marissa Ahlering, University of Missouri; Lori Eggert, University of Missouri
The Papua New Guinea rainforest as a supermarket: A tree kangaroo's perspective
Patricia A. Valella, University of Denver; David C. Christophel, Flinders University; Anna A. Sher, University of Denver
Importance of vegetation structure and floristic composition in lark sparrow habitat use
Melanie D. Coulter, Bowling Green State University; Karen V. Root, Bowling Green State University
Effects of land use on initial juvenile amphibian dispersal
Michael S. Osbourn, University of Missouri; Raymond D. Semlitsch, University of Missouri
Overcoming geographic and disciplinary biases in conservation: Long term socio-ecological research and education in the sub-Antarctic Magellanic ecoregion
Alexandria K. Poole, Elizabethtown College; Monica Lindemann, University of North Texas; Ricardo Rozzi, University of North Texas (UNT); Robert Frodeman, University of North Texas; Juan J. Armesto, Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity; Andres Mansilla, Universidad de Magallanes; Christopher B. Anderson, Carnegie Institution for Science; Francisca Massardo, Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG); James H. Kennedy, University of North Texas (UNT); Tamara A. Contador, University of North Texas, Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program, Omora Ethnobotanical Park, Chile; Kelli P. Moses, University of North Texas; Kathy Jack-Lambert, University of North Texas; Charmayne Staloff, University of North Texas; Eugene C. Hargrove, University of North Texas (UNT); Mary T. K. Arroyo, Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity
Population size, structure, and conservation status of Himalayan grey goral in Pakistan
Fakhar-i- Abbas, Pakistan Bioresource Research Centre; Dr Afsar Mian, Bioresource Research Centre; Thomas P. Rooney, Wright State University; Tanver Akhtar, University of the Punjab
Transplantation of bryophytes outside the native forest: Bazzania azorica and Lepidozia cupressina
Rosalina Gabriel, University of the Azores; Jeffrey W. Bates, Imperial College
Use of SongScope sound recognition software in the identification of breeding bird communities along the Upper Green River Watershed, Kentucky
Albert J. Meier, Western Kentucky University; Jonathan L. Bowers, Western Kentucky University; Cabrina L. Hamilton, Western Kentucky University; Aaron Hulsey, Western Kentucky University; Rafael Márquez, Fonoteca Zoológica. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC); Matthew Skaggs, Western Kentucky University; Ouida Meier, Western Kentucky University
A simplified, non-invasive, and reproducible approach to monitoring stress in endangered bats using fecal cortisol assays
Christopher S. Richardson, Boston University; Matthew G. Hohmann, US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC - CERL; Thomas H. Kunz, Boston University; Brian D. Shaller, Boston University; Eric P. Widmaier, Boston University
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