93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 1 - Aquatic Ecology

Monday, August 4, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Measuring the ecological value of riparian habitat restoration on northern Wisconsin lakes
Michael W. Meyer, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Daniel E. Haskell, Michigan Technical University
The nesting environment for bluegill sunfish in small ponds: Is there variation in seasonal nesting activity, colony activity, or nest characteristics?
Jessica E. Rettig, Denison University; Nicole R. Gray, Denison University; Walter J. Kim, Denison University; Ameena Ali, Denison University; Jessica J. Arrington, Denison University; Ezinnaya Ubagharaji, Denison University
Disturbance and predation risk mediate trophic interactions in an aquatic food web
John P. Ludlam, University of Arkansas; Daniel D. Magoulick, USGS, Arkansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; Eric R. Larson, University of Tennessee; Kelly H. Laycock Jr., Tennessee Technological University
Landscape impacts on fish community structure and food chain length in prairie and Ozark rivers
Micaleila D. Desotelle, University of Kansas; James H. Thorp, University of Kansas
Examining the virus community across a trophic spectrum of freshwater ecosystems
Alicia M. Hanson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; John A. Berges, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Erica B. Young, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
Zooplankton community structure in relation to flow of the Missouri River, USA
Kelli D. Dickerson, Missouri State University; Kim A. Medley, University of Colorado; John E. Havel, Missouri State University
Macroinvertebrate production on artificial substrates in the main channel of the Upper Mississippi River
Roger J. Haro, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse; William B. Richardson, USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center; Reid M. Northwick, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Use of alternative phosphorus compounds by freshwater cyanobacteria and Lake Michigan phytoplankton
Chelsea I. Lowes, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee; Erica B. Young, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
A seasonal study of dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand in Willow Creek as an indication of water quality
Emily M. Roth, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Janet M. Batzli, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Composition of gyrinid aggregations in the east Texas Primitive Big Thicket (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae)
Edward Realzola, Sam Houston State University; Jerry L. Cook, Sam Houston State University
Effects of land use on groundwater chemistry in springsheds of the Upper Floridan aquifer, southwest Georgia
Stephanie E. Allums, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center; Stephen P. Opsahl, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center
Developing a technique to evaluate mucus production by single, freshwater snails
Lauren Riseman, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Paul Brunkow, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Species interactions along habitat gradients
Erika Nilsson, Lund university; Anders Persson, Lund university; Per Nyström, Lund university
Evaluating drag coefficients in the morphologically variable New Zealand mud snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum
Paul Brunkow, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Joseph Holomuzki, Ohio State University
Increased chloride levels and habitat heterogeneity reduce insect diversity in Rio Grande riparian habitats
Jarrod Blue, Davidson College; Scott L. Collins, University of New Mexico
Assessing the value of agricultural streams as amphibian refuges
Jennifer L. Randolph, University of Missouri-Columbia; Bethany K. Williams, University of Missouri-Columbia; Raymond D. Semlitsch, University of Missouri
Associations between groundwater-surface water dynamics and coaster brook trout spawning habitat in the Salmon Trout River, Marquette County, Michigan
Matthew J. Van Grinsven, Michigan Technological University; Alex S. Mayer, Michigan Technological University; Casey J. Huckins, Michigan Technological University
Land-use effects on white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) life history and diet in portions of North Dakota and Minnesota
William H. Clark, North Dakota State University; Daniel C. McEwen, Minnesota State University Moorhead; Mark E. Clark, North Dakota State University
Chemical profile of Nworie River in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
Alex D. W. Acholonu, Alcorn State University; Peter U. Okorie, Imo State University; Melissa N. Fipps, Alcorn State University; Kelly L. Davis, Alcorn State University
Benthic macroinvertebrate diversity of the Róbalo River watershed, Navarino Island (55°S; Chile) at the southern end of the Americas
Tamara A. Contador, University of North Texas, Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program, Omora Ethnobotanical Park, Chile; James H. Kennedy, University of North Texas (UNT); Ricardo Rozzi, University of North Texas (UNT); Christopher B. Anderson, Carnegie Institution for Science
The influence of riparian forest on stream community structure and ecosystem function in an agricultural watershed
Eden L. Effert, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Robert U. Fischer, University of Alabama at Birmingham; David H. Wahl, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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