93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 12 - Pollination

Monday, August 4, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
The impacts of pollinator abundance on benefits from pollination mutualisms
Jennifer C. Geib, Appalachian State University; Candace Galen, University of Missouri-Columbia
The effects of elevation and succession on pollination webs in Hawaiian ecosystems
Jonathan B. Koch, University of Hawai'i at Hilo; Heather F. Sahli, University of Hawai'i at Hilo
Urban native bees: From remnant prairies to rooftop gardens; pollinator communities, and services within the greater Chicago area
Rebecca K. Tonietto, Northwestern University & Chicago Botanic Garden; Jeremie Fant, Chicago Botanic Garden
Effects of an alien bumblebee on native plant reproduction through competitive interactions with native bumble bees
Ikumi Dohzono, National Insutitue for Environmental Studies; Yoko K. Kunitake, National Insutitue for Environmental Studies; Jun Yokoyama, Ymagata University; Koichi Goka, National Insutitue for Environmental Studies
Trapline foraging by bumble bees: effects of experience and priority on competitive perfomance
Kazuharu Ohashi, University of Tsukuba; Alison Leslie, University of Toronto; James D. Thomson, University of Toronto
A preliminary assessment of pollinators and floral scents in the stem holoparasite, Pilostyles thurberi (Apodanthaceae)
Sedonia D. Sipes, Southern Illinois University; Aldwin M. Anterola, Southern Illinois University; Daniel L. Nickrent, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Reproductive ecology of Sandhills pyxie-moss Pyxidanthera barbulata (Michaux) var. brevifolia (B.W. Wells) Ahles
Matthew G. Hohmann, US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC - CERL; Moni C. Bates, North Carolina Plant Conservation Program; Janet B. Gray, Fort Bragg
A preliminary analysis of the floral scents of Ipomoea pandurata (Convolvulaceae) and Hibiscus moscheutos (Malvaceae): Implications for the role of floral odor in host-plant selection by specialist bees
Melissa D. Mead, Southern Illinois University; Sedonia D. Sipes, Southern Illinois University; Aldwin M. Anterola, Southern Illinois University
Reproduction and habitat-dependent pollinator services in the invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii
Karen Goodell, The Ohio State University; Chia-Hua Lin, The Ohio State University; Amy M. McKinney, University of Maryland
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