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PS 12
- Pollination
Monday, August 4, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 12-137
The impacts of pollinator abundance on benefits from pollination mutualisms
Jennifer C. Geib
Appalachian State University
Candace Galen
University of Missouri-Columbia
PS 12-138
The effects of elevation and succession on pollination webs in Hawaiian ecosystems
Jonathan B. Koch
University of Hawai'i at Hilo
Heather F. Sahli
University of Hawai'i at Hilo
PS 12-139
Do bumble bees prefer flowers on a flat land? Causes and consequences of foraging rate altered by inclinations of the ground
Takashi T. Makino
Yamagata University
PS 12-140
Urban native bees: From remnant prairies to rooftop gardens; pollinator communities, and services within the greater Chicago area
Rebecca K. Tonietto
Northwestern University & Chicago Botanic Garden
Jeremie Fant
Chicago Botanic Garden
PS 12-141
Effects of an alien bumblebee on native plant reproduction through competitive interactions with native bumble bees
Ikumi Dohzono
National Insutitue for Environmental Studies
Yoko K. Kunitake
National Insutitue for Environmental Studies
Jun Yokoyama
Ymagata University
Koichi Goka
National Insutitue for Environmental Studies
PS 12-142
Trapline foraging by bumble bees: effects of experience and priority on competitive perfomance
Kazuharu Ohashi
University of Tsukuba
Alison Leslie
University of Toronto
James D. Thomson
University of Toronto
PS 12-143
A preliminary assessment of pollinators and floral scents in the stem holoparasite,
Pilostyles thurberi
Sedonia D. Sipes
Southern Illinois University
Aldwin M. Anterola
Southern Illinois University
Daniel L. Nickrent
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
PS 12-144
Reproductive ecology of Sandhills pyxie-moss
Pyxidanthera barbulata
(Michaux) var.
(B.W. Wells) Ahles
Matthew G. Hohmann
US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC - CERL
Moni C. Bates
North Carolina Plant Conservation Program
Janet B. Gray
Fort Bragg
PS 12-145
A preliminary analysis of the floral scents of
Ipomoea pandurata
Hibiscus moscheutos
(Malvaceae): Implications for the role of floral odor in host-plant selection by specialist bees
Melissa D. Mead
Southern Illinois University
Sedonia D. Sipes
Southern Illinois University
Aldwin M. Anterola
Southern Illinois University
PS 12-146
Reproduction and habitat-dependent pollinator services in the invasive shrub,
Lonicera maackii
Karen Goodell
The Ohio State University
Chia-Hua Lin
The Ohio State University
Amy M. McKinney
University of Maryland
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