93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 23 - Invasion: Community Effects

Tuesday, August 5, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
The influence of an invasive shrub, Buddleja davidii, on a native shrub, Griselinia littoralis, transplanted in a floodplain chronosequence in New Zealand
Nita G. Tallent-Halsell, US Environmental Protection Agency; Lawrence R. Walker, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Why is the world greener? Invasive species alter trophic structure in a temperate forest understory
Brittany J. Teller, Pennsylvania State University; Jonathan M. Chase, Biodiversity Synthesis Laboratory; Eleanor A. Pardini, Washington University in St. Louis; Tiffany M. Knight, Washington University in St. Louis
Impact of alien plant invaders on the pollination networks of oceanic and continental islands
Benigno Padrón, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB); Anna Traveset, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB)
Invasive ants as facilitators of seed dispersal
Katharine L. Stuble, University of Tennessee; L. Katherine Kirkman, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center; C. Ronald Carroll, University of Georgia
The effects of disturbance and community diversity on the success of an exotic forb in a Virginia grassland
Robert W. Heckman, University of North Carolina; David E. Carr, University of Virginia
Direct and indirect effects of abundant non-native earthworms on Goodyera pubescens (Orchidaceae)
Melissa K. McCormick, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Katalin Szlavecz, Johns Hopkins University; Kenneth L. Parker, Smithsonian Institution; Timothy R. Filley, Purdue University; Dennis F. Whigham, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Comparison of soil properties in Prosopis glandulosa (mesquite) and Acacia farnesiana (huisache) communities
Martha C. Ariza, Texas A&M University; Janis K. Bush, University of Texas at San Antonio
Invasive plant infestations in forest communities impacted by emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis)
John Cardina, The Ohio State University/ OARDC; Catherine P. Herms, Ohio State University/ OARDC; Daniel A. Herms, The Ohio State University / OARDC; Kathleen S. Knight, USDA Forest Service; Annemarie Smith, Ohio State University
The effects of deer herbivory and the invasive plant garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on fungal community diversity in a mixed mesophytic forest
Charlotte R. Chan, The Holden Arboretum; David J. Burke, The Holden Arboretum; Susan Kalisz, University of Pittsburgh
Experimental exotic grass invasion impacts native trees through direct and indirect mechanisms
Luke Flory, University of Florida; Keith Clay, Indiana University
Impact of invasive plants on native plant recruitment through altered soil seed banks
Dustin F. Haines, University of Massachusetts; Diane L. Larson, US Geological Survey; Jennifer L. Larson, Polistes Foundation
Feedback between invasive belowground herbivores and habitat composition in northern hardwood ecosystems
David R. Coyle, University of Wisconsin, Madison; William J. Mattson Jr., US Forest Service; Alexander L. Friend, USDA Forest Service; Kenneth F. Raffa, University of Wisconsin
Landscape-level assessment of native and non-native Phragmites australis within marine and mainland source watersheds and evaluation of island/marsh restoration efforts on Virginia's Eastern Shore
Edward R. Crawford, Virginia Commonwealth University; Donald R. Young, Alaska Department of Fish and Game; Rodney J. Dyer, Virginia Commonwealth University; John H. Porter, University of Virginia
Effect of Megathyrsus maximus on soil and plant communities of Mona Island Reserve
Lorna M. Moreno, University of Puerto Rico; Elvia Meléndez- Ackerman, Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies; Christopher Cheleuitte, Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies; Brenda Castro, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus; Josue Sanchez, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus; Alexandra M. López, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus; Nicole Rivera, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus; Laura Yunes, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus
Assessing competition-resistance and competition-tolerance tradeoffs in native and invasive Mediterranean grasses
James P. Cronin, USGS National Wetland Research Center; Miranda E. Welsh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Samuel T. Abercrombie, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Charles E. Mitchell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Effects of invasive plants on coastal sage scrub soil and microbial communities of Mission Trails regional park
Irene M. Hale, San Diego State University; Marguerite Mauritz, Northern Arizona University; David A. Lipson, San Diego State University
Vegetation response to feral ungulate disturbance and subsequent removal
David Rogers, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Katherine J. Werner, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Sara Hotchkiss, University of Wisconsin
Hypochaeris radicata: An invasive species comparison in a low resource system
Anna C. Schoenfelder, University of Maryland; John Bishop, Washington State University; William F. Fagan, University of Maryland; Holly Martinson, University of Maryland
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