93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 3 - Cycling: Carbon

Monday, August 4, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Soil type mediates soil respiration response to a CO2 gradient in tallgrass prairie
Andrew Procter, Duke University; Alexia M. Kelley, North Carolina State University; Philip A. Fay, USDA, Agricultural Research Service; Virginia L. Jin, USDA-ARS; H. Wayne Polley, USDA, Agricultural Research Service; Rob Jackson, Stanford and Duke universities
Fine root population simulator to determine critical factors in estimating root turnover
Harbin Li, USDA Forest Service Southeastern Research Station; Zhengquan Wang, Northeast Forestry University; Dali Guo, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Rainfall redistribution and warming effects on leaf dark respiration rates in three dominant species of the southern oak savanna
Kourtnee Marr Lindgren, Texas A&M University; Mark G. Tjoelker, University of Western Sydney; Astrid Volder, University of California -Davis; David D. Briske, Texas A&M University
Adjustment of fine root respiration rates to soil warming in hardwood forests
Andrew J. Burton, Michigan Technological University; Serita Frey, University of New Hampshire; Alexandra R. Contosta, University of New Hampshire; Jerry M. Melillo, Marine Biological Laboratory; Jennifer Johnson, University of New Mexico; Sarah Butler, Marine Biological Laboratory
Dynamics and partitioning of whole ecosystem respiration in a controlled grassland ecosystem
Dafeng Hui, Tennessee State University; Paul S.J. Verburg, Desert Research Institute; John A. Arnone III, Desert Research Institute; Yiqi Luo, University of Oklahoma
Postharvest organic matter retention as a potential mechanism for soil carbon sequestration
Brian Strahm, Virginia Tech; Rob Harrison, University of Washington
Uncertainty analysis with data-model assimilation at Duke FACE
Ensheng Weng, Princeton University; Chao Gao, The University of Oklahoma; Yiqi Luo, University of Oklahoma
Developing carbon budgets for cities:  Phoenix metropolitan region as a case study
Melissa R. McHale, North Carolina State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Larry A. Baker, University of Minnesota
The effects of calcium and nitrogen amendments on soil organic matter carbon sequestration in Sand Ridge State Forest pine stands
Jason A. Koch, Bradley University; Eldor A. Paul, Colorado State University; Kelly D. McConnaughay, Bradley University; Sherri J. Morris, Bradley University
Inorganic carbon budgets for two Ohio reservoirs: Cycling and fate of dissolved inorganic carbon
Elizabeth K. Cable, Miami University; Lesley B. Knoll, Lacawac Sanctuary Field Station; William H. Renwick, Miami University; Michael J. Vanni, Miami University
Radiocarbon partitioning of soil CO2 efflux into root and microbial respiration indicates black spruce allocate less C belowground with warming
Jason G. Vogel, Texas A&M University - College Station; Dustin Bronson, University of Pennsylvania; Edward A. G. Schuur, University of Florida; Stith T. Gower, University of Wisconsin Madison
Daily and seasonal patterns in soil CO2 efflux at different aged plantations of Chinese fir in southern China
Dalun Tian, Central South University of Forestry and Technology; Wende Yan, Forest Ecology Section, Faculty of Life Science, Central South University of Forestry and Technology; Yuanying Peng, College of DuPage; Xiaoyong Chen, Governors State University; Changhui Peng, University of Quebec at Montreal; Wenhua Xiang, Forest Ecology Section, Faculty of Life Science, Central South University of Forestry and Technology; Xiangwen Deng, Forest Ecology Section, Faculty of Life Science, Central South University of Forestry and Technology
Limitations of microbial activity in different soil microsites in the Patagonian steppe, Argentina
Marina Gonzalez-Polo, CONICET; Amy T Austin, University of Buenos Aires
Intrannual variation in leaf-level photosynthesis in the canopy of a seasonal rainforest in Costa Rica
Steven F. Oberbauer, Florida International University; Harlyn Ordoñez, La Selva Biological Station
A comparative analysis of soil charcoal from different forest types along the Colorado Front Range
Christopher W. Licata, University of Denver; Dr. Robert L. Sanford Jr., University of Denver
The relationship of carbon dioxide flux, methane flux, hyperspectral reflectance, leaf area index (LAI), and albedo for multiple land cover types in arctic Beringia
David H. Lin, University of Texas at El Paso; Craig E. Tweedie, University of Texas, El Paso; Yit A. Teh, University of St. Andrews; Torben Christensen, Lund University; John A. Gamon, University of Alberta; Steven F. Oberbauer, Florida International University; Robert Rhew, University of California at Berkeley
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