93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 8 - GIS, Remote Sensing, and Spatial and Image Analysis

Monday, August 4, 2008: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
202 E, Midwest Airlines Center
1:50 PM
Incorporating effects of landscape heterogeneity on pathogen dispersal into spatially-explicit disease models
Alicia M. Ellis, Research & Policy in Infectious Disease Dynamics; Ross K. Meentemeyer, NC State
2:10 PM
2:30 PM
Development and implementation of a remote sensing-based land-cover classification system to evaluate changes in watershed land cover and the associated response of wild trout populations
Christopher R. Derolph, NC State University; Stacy A.C. Nelson, NC State University; Halil I. Cakir, NC State University; Thomas Kwak, U.S. Geological Survey, North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit; Montserrat Fuentes, NC State University; Ernie Hain, NC State University
2:50 PM
Predicting change in invaded urban brownfield plant communities with remote sensing methods
Ildiko C. Pechmann, Rutgers University; Claus Holzapfel, Rutgers University; Frank Gallagher, Rutgers University; Francisco Artigas, New Jersey Meadowlands Comission
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Detecting competition at the stand level using distance and size correlations of tree crowns
Stephan Getzin, University of Jena; Kerstin Wiegand, University of Jena
3:40 PM
Spatial variations in salinity stress across a coastal landscape using chlorophyll fluorescence and vegetation indices derived from hyperspectral imagery
Julie Naumann, US Army Corps of Engineers -ERDC; Donald Young, Virginia Commonwealth University; John E. Anderson, US Army Corps of Engineers
4:00 PM
Development of a multiple criteria index for the assessment of watershed conditions in two National Parks
Ernie F. Hain, North Carolina State University; Stacy A.C. Nelson, NC State University; Damian Maddalena, North Carolina State Univeristy; Christopher R. Derolph, NC State University
4:20 PM
Forest cover change and illegal logging during the post-socialist transition time in the Ukrainian Carpathians
Tobias Kuemmerle, Humboldt University Berlin; Jan Knorn, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Oleh Chaskovskyy, Ukrainian National Forestry University; Volker C. Radeloff, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Patrick Hostert, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
4:40 PM
The Digital Transferscope: A new software tool for the analysis of digital aerial photographs for land cover change
Stephen H. Roxburgh, CSIRO Land and Water Flagship; Michael C. Fallon, University of New South Wales