93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 27 - Modeling I

Tuesday, August 5, 2008: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
203 C, Midwest Airlines Center
8:00 AM
Using a large-scale, process-based approach to evaluate impact and manage riparian forests
Alexander K. Fremier, University of Idaho; Evan H. Girvetz, University of Washington; Steven E. Greco, University of California, Davis; Eric W. Larsen, University of California, Davis
8:20 AM
Applying species-abundance distributions to microbenthic fossil communities to test community health during the rapid global warming of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
Amelinda E. Webb, San Diego State University; Lindsey R. Leighton, University of Alberta; Stephen A. Schellenberg, San Diego State University; Elizabeth A Landau, San Diego State University; Ellen Thomas, Yale University
8:40 AM
Dynamical patterns and ecological impacts of changing ocean pH in a high-resolution multi-year dataset
J. Timothy Wootton, The University of Chicago; Catherine A. Pfister, University of Chicago; James D. Forester, University of Minnesota
9:00 AM
Simulated interactions between spruce budworm and fire: Comparing the past with the future
Brian R. Sturtevant, U.S. Forest Service; Brian R. Miranda, U.S. Forest Service; Douglas J. Shinneman, The Nature Conservancy; Eric J. Gustafson, U.S. Forest Service
9:20 AM
Modeling potential habitat distribution for freshwater diatom Didymosphenia geminata in the continental United States
Sunil Kumar, Colorado State University; Thomas J. Stohlgren, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory; Sarah A. Spaulding, University of Colorado
9:40 AM
10:10 AM
Modeling stream invertebrates and their habitat using Bayesian belief networks - CANCELLED
Russell Death, Massey University; Rob Buxton, Massey University; Mike K. Joy, Massey University
10:30 AM
Comparison of population viability models with 15 years of data from a restored population of the federally threatened pitcher’s thistle
Timothy J. Bell, Chicago State University; Kristin I. Powell, The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center; Marlin L. Bowles, The Morton Arboretum
10:50 AM
Groundwater controls on vegetation patterning in wet meadow ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada, CA
Steven P. Loheide II, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Richard S. Deitchman, University of Wisconsin - Madison; David J. Cooper, Colorado State University; Evan C. Wolf, Colorado State University; Christopher T. Hammersmark, University of California –Davis; Jessica D. Lundquist, University of Washington
11:10 AM
Sensitivity analyses of a subsidized metapopulation model for a harvested shellfish population
Carly A. Strasser, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Hal Caswell, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Michael G. Neubert, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution