93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 58 - Phenotypic Plasticity

Wednesday, August 6, 2008: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
203 C, Midwest Airlines Center
8:20 AM
Genetic and phenotypic variation in Japanese knotweed in the eastern United States
Thomas M. Dodson, Ohio University; Glenn Matlack, Ohio University; Harvey E. Ballard Jr., Ohio University
8:40 AM
9:00 AM
The adaptive significance of phenotypic plasticity in competition for light between red and green cyanobacteria
Maayke Stomp, University of Amsterdam; Martijn Egas, University of Amsterdam; Jef Huisman, University of Amsterdam
9:20 AM
Genetic and environmental aspects of phenotypic plasticity in invasive Lonicera maackii and Lonicera x bella honeysuckles
Kurt E. Schulz, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; David Harroun, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Amy N. Delap, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Luci Ann P. Kohn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
9:40 AM
10:10 AM
Sex-specific life-history responses of a wing dimorphic moth, Acentria ephemerella, under fish predation - CANCELLED
Oliver Miler, University of Konstanz; Dietmar Straile, University of Konstanz
10:30 AM
Danger determines inducible defense priority in a marine snail
Paul E. Bourdeau, Michigan State University
10:50 AM
Nutrient limitation and morphological plasticity of the carnivorous pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea in contrasting wetland environments
Erica B. Young, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee; Gretchen A. Meyer, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee; Terry Bott, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
11:10 AM
Buffering of predator and UV threats by induced plastic response in pigmentation
Samuel Hylander, Inst. of Ecology; Lars-Anders Hansson, Lund university