93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 50 - Dispersal and Colonization

Wednesday, August 6, 2008: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
103 C, Midwest Airlines Center
8:00 AM
High soil nickel enhances seed weight and seedling growth in Alyssum murale, a nickel-hyperaccumulator
Iman Sylvain, University of Michigan; Mary A. McKenna, Howard University
8:20 AM
Trees in motion: Ponderosa pine expansion into the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
Mark R. Lesser, Syracuse University; Stephen T. Jackson, U.S. Geological Survey
8:40 AM
Seedling limitation and spatial scale in a wet tropical forest
Richard K. Kobe, Michigan State University; Corine F. Vriesendorp, Field Museum of Natural History
9:00 AM
The spread of Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass), an invasive weed
Emily S. J. Rauschert, St. Mary's College of Maryland; David Mortensen, The Pennsylvania State University; Ottar N. Bjornstad, Pennsylvania State University; Andrea Nord, The Pennsylvania State University
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Tumbling: An overlooked mechanism of dispersal
Dirk Baker, Campbell Scientific, Inc.; John R. Withrow, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USFS; Cynthia Brown, Colorado State University; K. George Beck, Colorado State University
10:10 AM
Extinction risk in dendritic ecological networks
Evan H. Campbell Grant, US Geological Survey
10:50 AM
The interacting effects of sociality and habitat conditions on dispersal behavior
Heather Bird Jackson, Louisiana State University; James T. Cronin, Louisiana State University
11:10 AM
Landscape dispersal value estimated by the movement behaviors of rare butterflies
Daniel C. Kuefler, University of Guelph; Nick M. Haddad, North Carolina State University; Brian Hudgens, Institute for Wildlife Studies; William F. Morris, Duke University; Nicole Thurgate, North Carolina State University