93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 39 - Interspecific Competition

Tuesday, August 5, 2008: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
202 E, Midwest Airlines Center
1:30 PM
Competitive effect and response in the LHS model
Pierre Liancourt, Institute of Botany; Katja Tielbörger, University of Tuebingen
1:50 PM
Resource and non-resource root competition effects of grasses on trees of different successional status - CANCELLED
Christian Messier, Université du Québec à Montréal; Lluis Coll, Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya; Amélie Poitras-Larivière, University of Quebec in Montreal; Nicolas Belanger, University of Saskatchewan; Jacques Brisson, Université de Montréal
2:10 PM
Plant-mediated interactions between an invasive oak gall wasp and a native butterfly
Kirsten M. Prior, University of Toronto; Jessica J. Hellmann, University of Notre Dame
2:30 PM
Effects of planting season and disturbance on the competition between a non-native grass and two native forbs
Anne L. Frances, NatureServe; Carrie Reinhardt Adams, University of Florida/ IFAS; Jeffrey G. Norcini, University of Florida/ IFAS; Emily J. Austen, University of Florida/ IFAS
2:50 PM
Neighbors, nitrogen, and plant-microbe communication: Understanding the role of acylated homoserine lactones in the rhizosphere
Katharine N. Suding, University of California at Berkeley; Isabel W. Ashton, National Park Service; Martina Stursova, University of New Mexico; Robert L. Sinsabaugh, University of New Mexico
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Calculation and comparison of R* values in three larval mosquito species
Ebony Murrell, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jessica A. Frigo, Illinois State University; Caisie E. Bazer, Illinois State University; Mark S. Dondero, Illinois State University; Kevin M. Kocot, Auburn University; Megan J. Timpe, Illinois State University; Steven A. Juliano, Illinois State University
3:40 PM
Intraspecific aggregation modifies plant-soil feedback relationships
Pete Manning, University of Bern; Anna J. Fenton, University of Manchester
4:20 PM
Widespread displacement of one phorid fly species (Diptera: Phoridae: Pseudacteon) by another: Spatial signature of competition among naturalized parasitoids of imported fire ants
Edward G. LeBrun, University of Texas at Austin; Robert M. Plowes, University of Texas at Austin; Lawrence E. Gilbert, University of Texas at Austin
4:40 PM
Coexistence of predators depends on differences in their sizes and the sizes of their prey
Zachary T. Long, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Mehdi Cherif, McGill University; Michel Loreau, Station d'Ecologie Expérimentale du CNRS à Moulis