Monday, August 4, 2008: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
Wright B, Hilton
Charlene D'Avanzo
Bruce W. Grant
Join a community of ecology educators committed to transforming teaching and learning of ecology. TIEE (Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology; is designed to help faculty do more active, inquiry-based teaching (e.g., students describe and analyze figures and tables, ask questions in lab, work with LTER data). TIEE is sponsored by ESA and supported by NSF. TIEE Issues (mainly for lecture) and Experiments are written by ecology faculty and are peer reviewed. This workshop is an introduction to TIEE and the underlying pedagogy. By working with the site, participants will become familiar with TIEE materials and learn about student-active approaches appropriate for a range of institutions and classes plus formative (ongoing) evaluation and non-traditional tests. In addition, this workshop will describe new directions we are taking to promote scholarship of ecology education by publishing practitioner research in TIEE. We welcome graduate students, new faculty, and more experienced teachers looking for some new ideas. Bring a laptop computer if possible. Participants will be given the latest TIEE CD.