93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

SS 18- - Future research and potential collaborations in freshwater science at the Great Lakes WATER Institute, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Wednesday, August 6, 2008: 8:00 PM
104 A, Midwest Airlines Center
Val Klump, Great Lakes Water Institute, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee
This presentation will highlight the major research programs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Great Lakes WATER Institute. The mission of the Institute is to advance science to inform policy, improve management and promote the health and sustainability of the Great Lakes and freshwater systems worldwide. In pursuit of this mission the WATER Institute engages in research that is aimed at improving our understanding of how freshwater systems work,
and spreads across three major interacting and complementary thematic areas:
1), Aquatic System Dynamics – integrative research on the fundamental processes governing ecosystem behavior and integrity from high frequency molecular dynamics to decadal regional and global change
2), Sustainable Coasts  –  science in support of the stewardship and management of freshwater resources - pollution impacts on human and ecosystem health; drinking water supply, quality and security; and the sustainability of urban coastal systems and urban life
3), Freshwater and Technology – development of commercial technologies for healthy, environmentally safe, and economically profitable food production of freshwater species for human consumption; development of new observational technologies for the integrated, continuous, real time surveillance and exploration of the Great Lakes ecosystem in support of management, security, maritime commerce, and ecological understanding.