93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 73-29 - Evolutionary responses of tree growth to geologic changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations

Friday, August 8, 2008
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Laci M. Gerhart and Joy K. Ward, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

During the last ice age, atmospheric CO2 concentrations were approximately 180 ppm and have currently risen to a modern value of 385 ppm as a result of fossil fuel combustion and deforestation. In order to understand how changing CO2 concentrations influenced the growth of trees over evolutionary time scales, we studied juniper wood specimens from the La Brea tar pits in southern California and kauri wood specimens from peat bogs in New Zealand. We hypothesized that both ice age (low CO2 evolved) and modern trees (high CO2 evolved) would show positive linear relationships between growth and inter-cellular CO2 concentrations (ci) at low ci levels and reduced correlations between growth and ci at higher c­i levels where CO2 is less limiting. However, we hypothesize that the overall curvilinear response would shift towards lower ci values in ice age trees that may have adapted to lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations. 

As predicted, we have shown that modern and ice age trees show positive curvilinear relationships between ci and growth across their respective ci gradients. This shows that at low CO2 concentrations of the last ice age, carbon is the limiting factor affecting growth in trees. These results have significant implications for the evolutionary responses of plants to CO2 and predict major consequences of continued increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. By understanding plant responses to a range of CO2 values over geologic time, we will better understand the evolutionary responses of plants to changing environments.