Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Background/Question/Methods We compare the impact of water-level regulation under two different regimes in a quasi before-after control-impact paired (BACIP) study on aquatic invertebrates within Voyageurs National Park , Minnesota (VOYA) . Concerns about the effects on aquatic biota of managed lake-level fluctuations at VOYA have been expressed repeatedly since dams were constructed between Rainy Lake and Namakan Reservoir in the early 20th Century. Because these waters are on the international border, the International Joint Commission (IJC) regulates reservoir management with “rule curves” that establish upper and lower bounds of water levels. Under the 1970 rule curve (i.e., first regime) , Namakan Reservoir had an average winter drawdown of 2.5 meters, while Rainy Lake averaged a 1.1-meter winter drawdown. In 2000, new rule curves (i.e., second regime) were established, reducing winter drawdown in Namakan from 2.5 to 1.1 meters, as well as allowing this reservoir to be refilled to capacity at the end of May instead of the later part of June. Rainy Lake was left to operate in a manner similar to that under the 1970 rule curve. We considered Rainy Lake as the “control site”, Namakan Reservoir as the “impacted site”, and the change of the rule curves in 2000 as the “impact”. Impacts on any biological community can serve as a proxy for the overall impact of reservoir operation on an aquatic ecosystem, but not all communities are equally useful for determining impacts. We used littoral benthic macroinvertebrates to assess biotic impacts of a change in water-level management in VOYA.
Results/Conclusions Our major findings were