Emissions of the biogenic greenhouse gases N2O and CH4 have been well documented in many natural and human-dominated wetlands, and hydrologic factors are known to be major determinants of these fluxes. Linking the rates and patterns of trace gas fluxes with environmental variability is a critical step toward estimating landscape-level annual fluxes and building predictive models. Understanding these relationships is particularly important in hydrologically dynamic ecosystems that are vulnerable to climate change, sea-level rise, and land-use change. Our research objective is to develop statistical relationships to link patch-scale trace gas flux rates to site hydrology and substrate supply for a range of coastal wetland ecosystems in
In general, we found high CH4 emissions in sites with fully saturated conditions, while N2O fluxes were usually highest in sites that are less than fully saturated (with measurable N2O consumption occurring in some fully saturated sites). Separate stepwise multiple regression models for CH4 and N2O were developed for each site, with variable explanatory power. Indices of hydrologic variability were developed to characterize antecedent hydrologic conditions for inclusion in models. Strong predictor variables for N2O included water table elevation, soil temperature, and soil solution [NO3-] (e.g., r2 = 0.70 for July 2007 in restored wetland). Relationships between gas fluxes and environmental parameters allow extrapolation from our measurements to the landscape and annual scales, and permit sensitivity analysis of gas fluxes with respect to changes in temperature and hydrologic variability in these vulnerable ecosystems.