93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 101-7 - Effects of increased ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon dioxide on Arabidopsis thaliana: Changes in growth, phenology, and reproduction

Thursday, August 7, 2008: 3:40 PM
201 A, Midwest Airlines Center
Allyson S.D. Eller and Jed P. Sparks, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Human activities are causing many simultaneous changes to the chemistry of Earth’s atmosphere. These changes include increasing concentrations of ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon dioxide (CO2), all of which have the potential to profoundly affect plant performance. In general, elevated CO2 has been found to increase plant growth in the short term, but the growth response often decreases over time due to some other resource limitation or plant acclimation. In contrast, NO2 enters plant leaves through the stomata and is converted to nitrate in the apoplast, making it a source of nitrogen for the plant potentially augmenting growth, but most laboratory studies suggest the oxidative damage caused by NO2 counteracts any growth effect. Finally, O3 is a strong oxidant and has nearly always been found to be detrimental to plants. We investigated the single and combined effects of elevated O3 (100 ppb during the daylight hours five days per week), NO2 (40 ppb), and CO2 (560 ppm) on Arabidopsis thaliana grown in open-top chambers. We measured growth, phenology, and reproductive output throughout an 80-day growing period. 


The single-gas effects on growth concurred with observations from previous studies. CO2 increased growth and reproductive output as well as accelerating seed production. NO2 had no effect on growth or reproductive output and only slightly delayed seed production when soil nitrogen was low. O3 decreased growth and reproductive output, and delayed seed production. When under fumigation by two gases, NO2 significantly decreased the effects of CO2 fumigation, but only when soil nitrate was low. Under fumigation by all three gases, CO2 fumigation largely eliminated the effects of NO2 and O3 fumigation observed in the single-gas fumigations. The most pronounced effect observed in this study was the combined fumigation of NO2 and O3. This treatment caused significantly decreased growth compared to O3 fumigation alone and greatly delayed the production of seeds especially when soil nitrate was high. Given that O3 and NO2 tend to rise together in the atmosphere, our findings suggest that the influence of air pollution on plant performance or even the effect of ozone alone cannot be predicted by experiments examining the effect of single-gas fumigation. The combined effects of gases appear to be large and it will only be by quantifying plant performance under simulated future atmospheric conditions that we will be able to rigorously parameterize predictive models.