93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 18-10 - The effect of long-tem exposure to elevated CO2 on NO and NH3 efflux from Mojave Desert soils

Tuesday, August 5, 2008: 11:10 AM
103 AB, Midwest Airlines Center
Carmody K. McCalley and Jed P. Sparks, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Increases in atmospheric CO2 can alter terrestrial N dynamics, potentially changing the efflux of reactive nitrogen compounds to the atmosphere. Nitric oxide (NO) and ammonia (NH3) are both volatile products of the soil N cycle and have opposing effects on the radiative forcing potential of the atmosphere. Therefore, there is potential for a positive or negative feedback between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere mediated through nitrogen trace gases. Further, in arid ecosystems gaseous N fluxes can comprise a substantial proportion of annual N loss, thus shifts in emissions could have important consequences for the overall N budget. To assess the effect of future atmospheric CO2 concentrations on reactive N gas production we measured soil emissions of NO and NH3 at the Nevada Desert FACE Facility in rings that had been fumigated with 550 ppm CO2 for approximately 10 years and in blower control rings. Soil fluxes were measured in soils beneath the evergreen shrub Larrea tridentata and in plant interspaces before and 36 hrs after a 30 mm artificial precipitation event. Measurements were made four times during the year, March, July, October and January, with the CO2 fumigation ending just prior to the July measurements.

In dry soils, NO and NH3 fluxes were generally small with fluxes ranging from 0.06 – 0.2 and 0.15 – 0.9 ng N m-2 s-1 respectively. Further, there was no effect of long-term exposure to elevated CO2 on the composition or magnitude of emissions from dry soils. Irrigation resulted in 15 to 60-fold increases in reactive N gas emissions. During the winter and spring, emissions of both NH3 and NO were lower in plots exposed to elevated CO2. The reduction in NO and NH3 efflux under elevated CO2 was strongest in the spring in soils under the dominant evergreen shrub Larrea tridentata, with these soils exhibiting a 3-4 times lower post-wetting N gas pulse compared to control plots. Reductions in N gas losses under elevated CO2 are consistent with patterns observed following experimental additions of labile C to Mojave Desert soils. This and other studies indicate that microbial activity in this system is C limited and increases in soil C availability resulting from long-term exposure to elevated CO2 may decrease this limitation. During periods when microbial activity is high this appears to increase the amount of N that is immobilized as opposed to lost the atmosphere as NO or NH3.