93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 38-30 - Effects of algal diversity on the production of biomass in homogeneous and heterogeneous nutrient environments: A microcosm experiment

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Jerome J. Weis, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Daniel S. Madrigal, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA and Bradley J. Cardinale, School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

One of the most common questions addressed by ecologists over the past decade has been - how does species richness impact the production of community-level biomass? Recent summaries of experiments have shown that species richness does tend to enhance biomass production across a wide variety of trophic groups and ecosystems; however, the biomass of diverse polycultures only rarely exceeds that of the single most productive species in a community (a phenomenon called ‘transgressive overyielding’). Some have hypothesized that the lack of transgressive overyielding is because experiments have generally been performed in overly-simplified, homogeneous environments where species have little opportunity to express the niche differences that lead to ‘complementary’ use of resources and which enhance biomass production. We tested this hypothesis in a laboratory experiment where we manipulated the richness of freshwater algae in environments that were comprised of patches containing either homogeneous nutrient ratios (16:1 nitrogen to phosphorus (N:P) in all patches) or heterogeneous nutrient ratios (ranging from 4:1 to 64:1 N:P across patches).  


After allowing 6-10 generations of algal growth, we found that algal species richness had similar impacts on biomass production in both homo- and heterogeneous environments. Although four of the five algal species showed a strong response to nutrient heterogeneity, a single species dominated algal communities in both types of environments. As a result, a ‘selection effect’ – where diversity maximizes the chance that a competitively superior species will be included in, and dominate the biomass of a community – was the primary mechanism by which richness influenced biomass in both homo- and heterogeneous environments.  Our study suggests that spatial heterogeneity, by itself, is insufficient to generate strong effects of biodiversity on productivity.