93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 58-60 - Impacts of disturbance and land-use change on forest carbon dynamics

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Kenneth Clark1, John Hom2, Nicholas Skowronski3 and Mathew Patterson1, (1)Northern Global Change Program, USDA Forest Service, Newton Square, PA, (2)USDA Forest Service, (3)USDA Forest Service, New Lisbon, NJ

Two major unknowns in our understanding of terrestrial carbon (C) dynamics are how disturbances and land use change impact net CO2 exchange with the atmosphere over time.  We measured net CO2 exchange using eddy covariance and used forest biometric measurements to quantify C dynamics in a forested landscape in the New Jersey Pine Barrens that has experienced invasive insect defoliation, prescribed fires and wildfires.  We collected similar data at a suburban site at the Baltimore LTER, and compared seasonal, annual and multi-year C dynamics among sites. 


Insect defoliation in the summer resulted in a maximum loss of 293 g C m-2 yr-1 in an Oak dominated stand in the Pine Barrens in 2007, but < 130 g C m-2 yr-1 in conifer dominated stands where only deciduous species were defoliated.  Prescribed fire treatments conducted in the spring in the Pine Barrens resulted in C losses of 7 to 474 g C m-2, with an average of 244 ± 34 g C m-2 (mean ± 1 SE, n = 17 stands), resulting in only moderate sources of CO2 to the atmosphere on an annual basis.  The greatest loss from a forested ecosystem occurred in a ca. 8000 ha wildfire in the Pine Barrens in the spring of 2007, estimated at ca. 1580 ± 350 g C m-2.  Annual net CO2 exchange at the Baltimore LTER flux site indicated that this site lost from 500 to 1100 g C m-2 yr-1, with the largest losses occurring during the winter months, corresponding with leaf-off conditions, use of fuel oil for heating, and other sources of CO2 emissions.  When integrated over multiple years, forested ecosystems recovered from all disturbances and approached C neutrality relatively rapidly, while the suburban system remained a large source of CO2 to the atmosphere through time.  Our research helps define the range of C losses that can be expected from disturbed forest  ecosystems and land use change.  It also suggests that mitigation activities directed towards developed ecosystems, such as enhancing canopy cover and/or reducing surface albedo, could reduce the large, long-term impacts of land use change.