ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 35 - Restoration ecology in forest habitats: Concepts and case studies

Tuesday, August 7, 2007: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Willow Glen I, San Jose Marriott
8:00 AM
Assessing the “field of dreams” hypothesis: Birds and behavior in Acacia koa reforestaton areas
Laurie Strommer, University of Hawaii; Sheila Conant, University of Hawaii
8:20 AM
Process-centered restoration and the concept of reference dynamics
Donald A. Falk, The University of Arizona
8:40 AM
Establishment of the restoration reference in South China
Shaolin Peng, Sun Yat-sen University; Yuping Hou, Sun Yat-Sen University
9:00 AM
Assessing the impact of historic pollution and restoration efforts on soil invertebrates
Jennifer J. Babin-Fenske, Laurentian University; Madhur Anand, University of Guelph
9:20 AM
Nitrogen availability and plant community structure on a restored gravel pit four years after restoration
Michael A. Zolkewitz, Drexel University; Walter F. Bien, Drexel University; James R. Spotila, Drexel University
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Species composition in old growth and 70-year-old second growth rich coves in the southern Appalachian mountains
B. Clay Jackson, North Carolina State University; H. Lee Allen, North Carolina State University; Bronson P. Bullock, North Carolina State University; David L. Loftis, US Forest Service; J. Dan Pittillo, Western Carolina University (Retired); Thomas R. Wentworth, NC State University
10:10 AM
Using stand history to guide ecological restoration of a Garry oak/Douglas fir woodland
Peter W. Dunwiddie, University of Washington; Jonathan Bakker, University of Washington; Carson B. Sprenger, University of Washington; Mitchell Almaguer-Bay, University of Washington
10:30 AM
Correlations between vegetation layers during post-fire restoration in southwestern Oregon
Lori J. Kayes, Oregon State University; Klaus J. Puettmann, Oregon State University; Paul D. Anderson, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
10:50 AM
Dry forests in the southern interior of British Columbia: Historic disturbances and implications for restoration and management
Walt Klenner, BC Ministry of Forests and Range; Andre Arsenault, BC Ministry of Forests and Range