ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 160 - Scaling and allometry: From body size to ecosystem function

Friday, August 10, 2007: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Guadalupe, San Jose Marriott
8:00 AM
Allometric covariation in botanical form and function
Charles A. Price, University of Western Australia; Brian Enquist, University of Arizona; Van M. Savage, UCLA
8:20 AM
Canopy stability and scaling of forested ecosystems from individuals to the stand level
Nikolay Strigul, Washington State University Vancouver; Denis Pristinski, Stevens Institute of Technology; Stephen Pacala, Princeton University
8:40 AM
Putting complexity theory to the test! A study on spatial patterning in mussel beds
Johan Van de Koppel, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ); Jo Gascoigne, School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor; Guy Theraulaz, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse; Max Rietkerk, Utrecht University; Peter M.J. Herman, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)
9:00 AM
Optimal cell size for resource uptake in fluid: New facet of resource competition
Kohei Yoshiyama, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo; Christopher A. Klausmeier, Michigan State University
9:20 AM
9:30 AM
The role of the limiting nutrient identity and physiological allometries in size selection in phytoplankton
Elena Litchman, Michigan State University; Christopher Klausmeier, Michigan State University
9:50 AM
Is larger better: Effects of resource quality on grazer energy utilization
Claes Becker, Sweco Environment; William R. DeMott, Indiana-Purdue University; Alan J. Tessier, National Science Foundation
10:10 AM
Implications of body mass distributions for declining and introduced avian species
Jennifer J. Skillen, Community College of Southern Nevada
10:30 AM
Abundance-body-size patterns emerge from food web dynamics
Hannah M. Lewis, University of York; Richard Law, University of York; Alan J. McKane, University of Manchester
10:50 AM
Community respiration rate scales with temperature and nutrient availability in lake systems
April Hayward, McMaster University; Simon Grafe, McMaster University; Jurek Kolasa, McMaster University