ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 94 - Plant-insect interactions

Wednesday, August 8, 2007: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
San Carlos II, San Jose Hilton
1:30 PM
Plant-insect interactions and climate from the Miocene of Nevada
Erin Leckey, University of Colorado; Dena M. Smith, University of Colorado
1:50 PM
Flowering patterns related to insect herbivory and resource conditions in Platte thistle (Cirsium canescens Nutt)
Natalie M. West, University of Illinois; Svata M. Louda, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Interactions of three sympatric varieties of Chamaecrista desvauxii (Leguminosae) with mutualistic ants, seed predators, and pollinators
Beatriz Baker, University of Missouri - St. Louis; Robert J. Marquis, University of Missouri - St. Louis
3:40 PM
Birds using honeydew reduce leaf herbivory on scale insects' host plant in fragmented cloud forests of Mexico
Heather A. Gamper, Florida State University; Brian D. Inouye, Florida State University
4:00 PM
Differential functional group response to environmental change alters plant-pollinator interactions in a prairie system
Nicole E. Miller, Washington Univeristy in St. Louis; Brian Smeets, Washington Univeristy in St. Louis; Peter B. Reich, University of Minnesota; Tiffany Knight, Washington University
4:20 PM
Nitrogen, but not salinity, mediates top-down effects of an omnivorous salt marsh grasshopper
Juan M. Jiménez, University of Houston; Steven Pennings, University of Houston
4:40 PM
Are Aphaenogaster ants keystone mutualists in temperate deciduous forests?
Joshua H. Ness, Skidmore College; Doug Morin, Skidmore College